We are here to support your program.

Collecting Data


Partner Programs Evaluation Data Collection Tools and Timeline
The Research and Evaluation team (RE) provides a complete set of evaluation tools designed to collect data about program execution and short-term outcomes, and assess progress towards our long-term outcomes. The data collected inform strategies to m...
Organization-wide Learning Agenda project overview
This article serves as an overview of the purpose, structure and history of iMentor's Organization-wide Learning Agenda. Use the quick links below to more quickly navigate to sections of interest: Overview Why are we doing this? How is the ...
Introduction to Surveys
The Research and Evaluation team (RE) manages the design and administration of surveys to foster a data driven culture.  Data obtained via surveys uncovers the answers to important questions about the iMentor model and root discussions around progra...
Mentee and Mentor Surveys
Approximately 75% of the data iMentor uses to evaluate the impact programming has on students comes directly from mentee and mentor surveys.  Surveys are relatively easy to implement and can be administered consistently across all iMentor cities and...
School Partner Surveys
In order for the iMentor model to be effective, deep integration of the program must be achieved at each partner school.  This ensures that school administrators and staff are collaborating with iMentor staff to  facilitate high levels of fidelity r...
Program Staff Surveys
Program staff are directly responsible for implementing the iMentor model and their on-boarding, training and the resources available for supporting their work dictate how well positioned they are to do so.   Program staff surveys are designed to ga...
The Mentor Quality Rubric
A crucial aspect of the iMentor program is recruiting and retaining high quality mentors.  High quality mentors not only adhere to iMentor’s philosophy and structure, but also utilize the curriculum and available resources from program staff.   More...
Mentee and Mentor Survey Administration Best Practices
The benefits achieved from obtaining survey data are dictated by the amount of participants that complete surveys.  However, getting mentees and mentors to complete the survey is only half the battle.  In order to ensure that the data we are collect...
Frequently Asked Questions About Survey Administration
iMentor has been administering surveys in NYC and with partner affiliates for many years.  Over time, several questions have regularly been asked during survey administration.  Each of these is listed below and can be clicked to quickly navigate to ...
The Pair Support Quality Rubric
Although the curriculum provides a powerful baseline of conversation and experiences for pairs, mentors and mentees still need additional support to develop strong relationships and achieves the objectives of the program. The advisement program staf...
Measuring Pair Relationship Strength
Pair lists are saved by PM name HERE .  Once you open the file with your name, simply use the drop-down box in the column titled "Relationship Strength" to assign scores to each pair as shown below.  Please be sure to save your file a...
Post-Secondary Process Tracking
The process of navigating the college process is incredibly complicated, especially for first-generation, college-bound students who may not have an understanding of the college landscape and the myriad steps necessary to apply and enroll in college...
Pair Support Quality Categories
What is the Pair Support Quality Rubric? The Pair Support Quality Rubric is a tool that allows program supervisor to evaluate the quality of pair support by program staff.  The rubric is divided into 4 main categories outlined below.  Supe...
Changing Date of Birth on the Platform
Data entry mistakes happen all the time on the platform. One of the most common mistakes is students entering incorrect birth dates when filling out the application. Correct birth dates are crucial for National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) submission...
Enrollment Freeze
iMentor conducts a process each year where we “freeze” our enrollment and report that number out, with associated demographic information of both mentees and mentors, for the remainder of the program year.  The freeze typically happens in the beginn...
Assessments in the iMentor Curriculum
This article provides a broad overview of how iMentor measures short-term outcomes of students’ knowledge, skills and mindsets throughout the program year and the history of our assessment strategy.  You can navigate quickly throughout the article ...
How were in-person assessments developed?
Our highest aspiration for understanding student learning in the long-term is to utilize as many sources of information as possible, including the student, their mentor, and their Program Manager. In-person assessments are the first step toward gett...
What Knowledge, Skills, and Mindsets are assessed in the curriculum?
Assessments are intended to measure student knowledge of key learning outcomes in each grade of high school. Topics assessed include skills, mindsets, and aspects of the post-secondary process. Online Quizzes The table below shows the assessments ...
What methods does R&E use to collect data in 2018-19?
The table below shows the methods for data collection employed by the Research & Evaluation team in the 2018-19 program year.  Output Group Output 2018-19 Measurement Methods Survey Online Quiz Rubric College Checklist Strong Pair Rel...
Online Assessments 101
There are two types of assessments occurring in the 2019-20 program year: online unit quizzes and in-person pair assessments. This article is a detailed overview of online assessments and outlines their purpose, where and how the assessments fit int...
Assessments talking points for students
Assessments will be new experience for students in the iMentor program. However, quizzes in a classroom setting are not a foreign concept to students. Program managers who implemented 12 th grade assessments in 2017-18 reported that students genera...
How to administer assessments and manage completion
This article outlines the procedures for implementing assessments in classrooms and at pair events while also highlighting tools Program Managers can utilize to manage mentee or pair assessment completion. Prior to implementing assessments for the f...
Assessments FAQ
General Information Where can I find copies of the assessments deployed in 2018-19?  Copies of the assessments can be found on the iMentor Learning Center. You can access the online unit quizzes here . In-Person co-assessments can be found in...
District Data in New Partnerships
When partnering with a new school district, it is important to set expectations around the type of data iMentor would like to receive as part of the partnership. This data will be critical for ensuring that we can effectively evaluate our impact on ...
In-Person Assessments 101
There are two types of assessments occurring in the 2019-20 program year: online unit quizzes and in-person pair assessments. This article is a detailed overview of in-person assessments and outlines their purpose, how the assessment activities fit ...