We are here to support your program.

Individual Giving


Mentor Giving
iMentor supplements its revenue streams by engaging our mentor community in our fundraising efforts. Below, you’ll find some of the basics of mentor giving. What is mentor giving? Mentor giving is a revenue stream that leverages curr...
Building a Crowdrise Campaign
Setting up a Crowdrise Campaign iMentor has utilized the services of crowdfunding company Crowdrise for the past few years to increase our mentor community fundraising capacity as well as simultaneously sharing the great work that our mentors d...
iMentor Challenge Tips & Tricks
Use this fully-editable template to create a flyer to help publicize your crowdfunding campaign and to support mentors and other community stakeholders in becoming CrowdRise pagemakers.  ...
Email Templates for Fundraisers
Asking friends, family and others within a personal network to donate money for a cause is a new experience for many people and can be uncomfortable. In an effort to aid your mentor community in taking this step and supporting your organization, you...
Crowdrise Campaign Outreach Email Examples
Along with in-person announcements, it's important to alert all your mentors (and other community stakeholders) to  the launch of your Crowdrise campaign over email. In addition to a launch email, sending reminder emails periodically can help keep t...
Phone Banking Script and FAQs
One way to connect with the mentor community to increase fundraising is to do phone banking. There's more information about the procedure for successful phone banking in the article about Building a Crowdrise Campaign . This script is a baseli...
Email Templates for Thank-Yous
Taking appropriate follow up action is an important part of any crowdfunding campaign. While certainly not the only way to express appreciation, email follow up to your mentor community members who participated in your campaign is a simple and easy ...
About the NYC Mentor Ambassadors
The Mentor Ambassadors (NYC) are a diverse group of talented young professionals who volunteer their time in support of iMentor NYC’s fundraising, recruitment and engagement efforts. Mentor Ambassadors also serve as champions of iMentor’s ...
About the Chicago Mentor Ambassador Program
Mentor Ambassadors (MAs) are mentors who commit to advancing iMentor Chicago’s mission, above and beyond their 1:1 support for a student. We select mentors who are a consistent and reliable presence in their mentee’s life, have attended iMentor comm...