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Working with Undocumented Students

We strive to create classrooms where all of our students feel included and a sense of trust, comfort and affirmation. To follow are resources for working with undocumented students. Some of the resources are for program staff so that we can create inclusive programming. Other resources can be shared with our students, their families and our mentors.


Creating a Safe and Inclusive Classroom
Teach for America has written an article about laws and resources that can help teachers and allies better understand undocumented students' needs and rights. Explore how to create a safe and inclusive environment in your classroom with this res...
Know Your/Our Rights
All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. Preparing for the Future: Understanding the Rights and Options of DACA Recipients was created by the Immigrant Leg...
Undocumented Students and the College Process
Learn more about scholarships for undocumented students from this handout from Unlocal . TheDream.US is the nation’s largest college access and success program for undocumented students. Their  National Scholarship is considered the “Pell Grant” ...
National Resources for Undocumented Students
College Greenlight , a free, online college and scholarship resource that supports first generation and underrepresented students, recently hosted a webinar on supporting undocumented students. View the deck  and learn about the laws, policies, an...