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Matching Pairs and Closing Matches

All about how to match pairs and close matches on the platform.


How to close a match
When a pair’s match has come to an end, their match needs to be closed on the platform. When you close a pair's match it preserves the record of their match - including all the participation data and case management notes about their match - and pro...
What if I need to re-open a closed match?
Although this should be a rare occurrence, for a variety of reasons you may need to re-open a match that has been closed. The match could have been closed in error, the closure might be no longer be pertinent (perhaps a mentee moved away for a month...
Made a matching mistake? Learn how to delete a match.
If a match has been made in error, there is the option to delete the match instead of closing it. When you delete a match, it will appear as if the match had never existed. The only record of the match will be a line in the Recent Activity Feed of t...
9 key Platform functions after Matching
9 key Platform functions now that you've matched! Congratulations! If you're reading this, you've matched your mentees with some great mentors. You also know your job is not done. Here are a 9 key tools that have opened up to you now that you have ...
Match Closures in PSP
Follow these steps to ensure proper closure of matches in PSP: 1.   Send a message to participants confirming their match has been closed (via email or text) 2. Close the match on the iMentor Platform: For matched pairs, where mentee is...