We are here to support your program.

Platform Overview

An overview of what the iMentor platform is, why it was created, and what it's used for.


Platform tips for PMs in the classroom
Program Managers need to be prepared to provide a variety of support to mentees in the classroom. Often, this will go beyond match support and it will also include some light technical support. In NYC, we find that mentees are great at social media ...
The Platform and other Tech Tools
What is the iMentor Platform? iMentor has spent years developing and improving its own in-house online platform to be used by mentors, mentees, and staff. "The Platform" is an online tool that facilitates communication between pairs, as well as adm...
Jumpstart on the iMentor Platform
Introduction The iMentor Platform is a web-based tool that allows you to run your program more efficiently. Once you log-on to the iMentor platform you will be able to enroll mentors and mentees into the program, allow those pairs to communicate in...
Mentee Homepage
(View this article in Box: Mentee Homepage ) iMentor has spent years developing and improving its own online platform to be used by mentors and mentees alike. You and your match will use the platform to communicate and build your relationship onli...
Platform Training Scope and Sequence
All Platform Trainings can be found on  iMentor’s  interactive online learning platform,  Thinkific  –  https://mentor-training-center.thinkific.com/courses/platform-training/ .    Below is a recommended Platform Training Scope and Se...
Platform Page Descriptions
There are a lot of different pages on the Platform! This article will walk through what they all are and what you can do with each of them.  Note: Some pages are only visible to certain roles. As a reminder, MA = Member Admin, EMA = Enhanced Member...
Member Site Customization
With member site customization, each region can fine-tune their Platform to act exactly how they want - toggling different features, changing logos, etc. This allows for greater flexibility with different regions, partner programs, etc. Only Super ...