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A Guide to Participation History for Program Directors

Navigate to Participation History

You’ll find Participation History under the “reports” section of the main menu.

Defining Engagement Benchmarks

iMentor’s engagement benchmarks are most easily understood in the context of individual (or pair) benchmarks and programmatic (or aggregate) benchmarks to be met by the end of the program year.

  • Individual benchmark: Mentor-mentee pairs complete at least 65% of lessons assigned to them AND meet in-person at least six  times per year
  • Programmatic benchmark: 65% of mentor-mentee pairs meet the individual benchmark

Throughout the different tabs of Participation History, you will see various reference points to the programmatic benchmark.

  • Summary tab -> Week over week lesson engagement line graph: There is a flat reference line at the 65% point to put online engagement into the context of the programmatic benchmark.

  • Summary tab ->Year to date in-person meeting distribution bar graph: Pairs that have met 6 or more times are grouped together, as 6 represents the programmatic benchmark for pair in-person meetings. Values are colored in gradient fashion, from red for pairs that have not met to green for pairs meeting the benchmark.

Tabs within Participation History

  • Summary tab: This tab provides a high-level representation of pair engagement to quickly evaluate program performance across all schools. Review this Learning Center article to learn more.
    • Here you will see:
      • Total number of matched pairs
      • Year-to-date percentage of pairs at/above the online engagement benchmark
      • Weekly online engagement trends: This line graph provides you with a visual of the percentage of pairs meeting the online engagement benchmark each week throughout the program year.
      • Year-to-date in-person meeting distribution: This bar chart displays the percentage of pairs who have not met, met once, met twice, etc.

  • Case Managers tab: This tab displays program participation down to the program manager level. Program managers can adjust the filters to see only their caseload or school data. Review this Learning Center article to learn more.
    • Here you will see:
      • Total number of matched pairs
      • In-person meeting distribution: The pie chart(s) display(s) the percentage of pairs that have not met, met once, met twice, etc. by the program manager.
      • Week over week lesson engagement: The line graph visualizes the percentage of pairs meeting the online engagement benchmark each week throughout the program year.
    • Things to pay attention to:
      • In-person meetings: Using the pie charts, program managers can quickly identify the percentage of pairs and which pairs have not met or are not on track to meet the in-person meeting benchmark for their caseload. Using this information, program managers can determine which pairs to focus on for upcoming events.
      • Online engagement: Program managers should take note of any downward trends in their lesson engagement line graph and bring it up during check-ins with their managers to discuss strategies.
        • For program managers that have a static trend line, this is also an opportunity to discuss strategies for improvement of their caseload’s online engagement.  

  • Cohort and Class tab: This tab displays program participation down to the class and cohort level. Program managers can adjust the filters to see only their cohort or class data. Review this Learning Center article to learn more.
    • Here you will see:
      • Total number of matched pairs
      • Pairs at/above lesson engagement benchmark: The bar chart(s) display the percentage of pairs meeting the weekly online engagement benchmark by class.
      • In-person meeting distribution: The pie chart(s) display the percentage of pairs that have not met, met once, met twice, etc. by cohort.
      • Week over week lesson engagement: The line graph displays the percentage of pairs meeting the online engagement benchmark each week throughout the program year by cohort.
    • Things to pay attention to:
      • Online engagement: Using the bar charts, program managers can identify which of their classes are meeting or not meeting the online engagement benchmark. Program managers should regularly review this information for their classes to better understand why their caseload’s participation is the way it is. Program managers can use this information to determine which classes to focus on.
        • Program managers can also “get behind the data” to identify the specific mentees, mentors or pairs to focus on.
      • In-person meetings: Using the pie charts, program managers can quickly determine what percentage of pairs in their cohort are on track or not on track to meeting the in-person meeting benchmark. Program managers can “get behind the data” to identify which pairs to focus on for upcoming events.

  • Mentees and Mentors tab: This tab displays online engagement down to the mentee and mentor level. Program managers can adjust the filters to see only their cohort or school data. Review this Learning Center article to learn more.
    • Here you will see:
      • Total number of matched pairs
      • Week over week lesson engagement: This line graph displays the percentage of mentees and mentors, respectively, meeting the online engagement benchmark each week throughout the year.
      • Year-to-date lesson engagement benchmark: This table shows the percentage of mentees, mentors and pairs meeting the online engagement benchmark broken down by class.
    • Things to pay attention to:
      • Program managers can compare trend lines or the data in the table to determine whether mentors or mentees are outperforming one another. Program managers can then develop strategies to focus specifically on mentor or mentee engagement, depending on the trends in their caseload.

How to adjust filters

  • Filters are found on the right-hand side of every tab. Depending on the tab, you will find filters for different categories, such as Program Manager, School, Cohort, In-person Meetings, Lesson Engagement, etc.
  • Once you select a filter, the view on the tab will reset to show only the data for the filters you selected.
  • Any filters selected will be applied across all tabs until you reset the filters.

  • Reset filters by clicking on the “Revert” button on the bottom of the page.

How to “get behind the data”

Across all tabs, within every line graph, bar chart, pie graph or table, users can “get behind the data” by using hover-over functionality. Pay attention to the "number of Records" in the hover-over pop-up window below, as the number of pairs in a dataset provides key context for the participation numbers.

When you click on a point on a line graph, a bar on a bar graph, etc., you can also export the data into an Excel Document. You can then filter or segment the data in any way you like to better understand what is going on. This is a great way to identify high-performing or low-performing mentors, mentees or pairs.

  • Click on the icon (circled in red). This will open a pop-up window.
  • Click on “Full Data” tab and then “Download all rows as text file”