We are here to support your program.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Troubleshoot common platform issues and questions.


Platform Filter Cheat Sheet
Below is a quick list to refer to of the options for the most-used filters on the iMentor Platform by program coordinators during Site Start Up (SSU). See also the article on User Management for more detailed information. MATCH STATUS Ready to...
Top 10 Platform Tips for Site Start Up
The iMentor Platform Team presents: The Top Ten must knows for any Program Manager during Site Start Up Site Start Up (SSU) is an exciting but busy and often hectic time of year for program coordinators. At this time, you will navigate your relati...
Sending external emails on the platform
Sending external emails from the platform is a great way to communicate with mentors. External emails directly from a Program Manager have more weight than an email notification from the platform telling a mentor that he/she has a message waiting fo...
Changing Admin Type
To fix this, you will have to create a new Member Admin profile. The platform does not currently allow us to switch a someone from a Partner Admin to a Member Admin. Since no two users can have the same email address, you will need to first change t...
Platform tips for PMs in the classroom
Program Managers need to be prepared to provide a variety of support to mentees in the classroom. Often, this will go beyond match support and it will also include some light technical support. In NYC, we find that mentees are great at social media ...