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Taking attendance on the Platform

Attendance is an important data point to have in our program. Centralizing the data gathering sets us up for a lot of cool future projects that can alert mentors based on student attendance and allows us to look at participation based on presence in the classroom.

Getting to the Attendance page

The Attendance link is located under the Administration tab in the hamburger menu

When you land on the page, you will be prompted to select a partner site from the dropdown. After selecting a partner site, the current lesson and previous two lessons will populate with a chart and table. The chart will show the percentage of SI and Active mentees present in class for each lesson. The table below will show an individual student's attendance over the three lessons.

You may record attendance for the current lesson by clicking on the Checkmark for present or the X for absent. All changes are saved automatically.

Contacting mentees

You have the option to send an email to mentees by clicking the checkbox by their names and selecting "Email selected students."

Mentor Notifications

When a student is marked Absent from class, the following notification email is sent to mentors notifying them that their mentee was not in class. 

Subject line:  [mentee first name] wasn’t in class today…

Body: Even though [mentee first name] was absent, there’s still lots you can contribute. Please sign into the [member site name] Platform at [member site URL] and complete your portion of the Lesson so your mentee can respond next time they sign in. Thanks!

Note: If the mentee is marked Present afterward, no notification will be sent. However, marking a student Absent a second and subsequent times will send additional absent notification emails to the mentor.

Want to learn more about Attendance?

Check out our staff training center, where you can dive deeper into this with activities, quizzes, and more! https://mentor-training-center.thinkific.com/courses/platform-training/