We are here to support your program.

Screening Mentors

This section provides you an overview of the screening process - a crucial part of mentor enrollment.

Mentor Screening Strategy

This section contains an overview of iMentor's screening strategy and philosophy.

The Screening Process

This section outlines key Screening procedures and work processes.

Regional Screening Information

This section contains information about screening processes in our various regions.


All mentors must complete a Mentor Application before they can be accepted into the iMentor program.


Use these resources to learn more about the mentor screening interview.


The screening team uses Flags to preserve and record important information about applicants.

Background Checks

All applicants must complete a background check in order to participate in our program.

Deadlining, Withdrawing and Rejecting Mentors

The Screening team determines whether or not an applicant should be approved to join the iMentor program.

Screening Communications and Team Policies

This section contains team information for the iMentor Screening team.