A brief overview of each program element can be found below, including links to implementation resources associated with each part of your post-secondary program.
Program Tracking – These resources will help you track pair engagement in the Post-Secondary Program and evaluate program impact. Capturing communication history, advising session outcomes and feedback, and post-secondary progress will set program staff up to best support students through successful completion of their post-secondary pathway.
Advising – This link contains advising resources, including facilitation guides differentiated by post-secondary pathway and time of year, as well as some supporting resources including best practices for advising, intake forms, and exit forms capturing next steps for students. During the first year of implementation, partners, with support from their Partnership Manager, will develop a collection of local “follow-up resources” that can serve as a proactive resource bank in future years.
Pair Facing Communications – Using the resources linked here, PSP4P pushes curriculum and engagement beyond the platform, leaning instead on practices like targeted text messaging that contains reminders and resources, “discussion guides” shared with mentors to support their work with their mentees, and “monthly newsletters” sharing timely reminders and resources. While these resources support communication outside of the iMentor platform, the iMentor app can still be used as an important piece of pairs' communication routines.
Workshops + Events – The resources collected here support PSP staff planning and facilitating workshops targeting student and pair needs throughout the first year of their Post-Secondary journey. Workshops and events can also be developed in partnership with local organizations, lightening the load on PSP staff.