We are here to support your program.

Program Manager Onboarding

Partner agencies are responsible for the onboarding of new program facilitation staff. The iMentor team can provide resources to support base training, including the materials below, and Partnership Managers can also help strategize as partners develop plans. Additionally, the iMentor team will lead a national Program Manager Training each summer to prime new hires and veterans for the coming program year. 

Recommended best practices for using the onboarding materials are as follows:

  • Customize the facilitation based on the audience, the physical space, the availabilty of technology, etc.
  • Incorporate personal stories or local examples to add more specificity and nuance to the sessions.
  • Empower veteran program staff to lead training for new hires to divvy up responsibilities and diversify voice (For some, this may be a great professional development opportunity!)
  • Please also note that throughout the materials the new hires are referred to as participants. 

Click here for a printable version of the scope and sequence.
Click here for a template to use for scheduling or planning purposes.

Unit 1: Program Basics

Objective: To nurture a fundamental understanding of the program model and the program manager role, and the iMentor support channels provided to partners.

Lesson Summary Resources
1.1 Meeting your Partnership Manager Participants will meet their Partnership Manager for a get-to-know you conversation. Please note: Partners should help coordinate this meeting.
1.2 Understanding mentor2.0 Participants will read the introduction to mentor2.0 packet, practice their program pitch, and complete the life of a PM worksheet. 
1.3 Partnering with Your School Participants will review the program-year cycle and collaboratively plan beginning-of-year meetings with leadership, co-teachers and/or counselors.

Unit 2: Curriculum and Class Instruction

Objective: To deepen understanding of the mentor2.0 curriculum and build a teaching foundation grounded in theory and practice.  

Lesson Summary Resources
2.1 Curriculum Overview Participants will be guided through a high-level overview of the curriculum philosophy, goals and structure.  
2.2 Curriculum Deep-Dive Participants will read a grade-level summary and will explore the lessons and events within that grade, looking for specific themes.
2.3 Teaching 101 Participants will discuss and practice demonstrating strong classroom presence and routines.

Unit 3: Match Support and Matching

Objective: To develop the knowledge and skills for effectively engaging students, mentors and pairs.

Lesson Summary Resources
3.1 Supporting Strong Pair Relationships Participants will read a literature review, look through pair archetypes, and reflect on differentiated approaches for pair support.

3.2 Building Student Investment Participants will discuss stages of youth development and brainstorm strategies for building student investment in the program.
3.3 Managing Mentors Participants will review best practices for mentor management and will practice difficult conversations using scenarios.
3.4 Matching Pairs Participants will receive training on the matching timeline and procedures.

Unit 4: Platform and Participation History

Objective: To establish an understanding of the key platform tools and functions.

Lesson Summary Resources
4.1 Self-Guided Learning Modules Participants will go through the self-guided learning modules on Platform and will meet with their partnership manager to go over additional questions.
4.2 Leveraging Data for Program Impact Participants will learn how to use available data to drive pair engagement and provide pair support.