Approximately 75% of the data iMentor uses to evaluate the impact programming has on students comes directly from mentee and mentor surveys. Surveys are relatively easy to implement and can be administered consistently across all iMentor cities and partner program affiliates allowing for high integrity impact measurement.
Data generated from survey administration plays a critical role in developing a thorough understanding of pairs' experience in order to improve programming. Additionally, program staff can use data obtained from survey administration in real-time to inform and focus the support they provide to pairs.
Survey Administrations
Three surveys are administered to mentees and mentors each program year. The schedule below shows approximate dates that surveys are open.
Survey Content
The major topics on the mentee and mentor surveys are presented in the table below. Although there are some minor differences in topics depending on a respondent’s grade or tenure in our program, the general content of the surveys is the same for all participants. To see the surveys and the exact questions, request a .pdf copy of the most recent survey content.
Survey Completion
Response Rate Targets
Response rates differ for mentees and mentors. We set a 90% response rate target for mentees and 80% for mentors. Mentee response rate targets are higher because mentees survey administration occurs during classroom session, giving direct service providers a greate locus of control over completion rates.
High response rates are important for ensuring that the data we collect is representative of all program participants. If large portions of mentees and mentors are not surveyed, there may be bias in the data. For example, if students who are matched, but not bought into the iMentor program skip the survey, their perspective on how to make the program more engaging is lost. It would also be impossible to determine whether programming has an impact on these students, making it harder to make smart choices about improving the program.
Getting mentees and mentors to complete the survey is only half the battle. In order to ensure that the data we are collecting is high quality, participants must be honest and thoughtful in their responses to survey questions. To learn about survey administration best practices, including obtaining high quality data and managing to high response rates, click here.
Completion Time
The amount of time it takes to complete the survey differs substantially depending on the respondent and the survey type. Typically, mentor surveys are shorter than mentee surveys. The mid-year survey is the shortest of the three survey administrations. Below are average completion times (in minutes) for the most recent administration of each survey.