We are here to support your program.

Program Staff Surveys

Program staff are directly responsible for implementing the iMentor model and their on-boarding, training and the resources available for supporting their work dictate how well positioned they are to do so.  Program staff surveys are designed to gather feedback regarding the management and delivery of programming to mentees and mentors in an effort to enhance and/or improve the experience. 

Survey Administrations 

Two surveys are administered to program staff at all levels each program year.  The schedule below shows approximate dates that surveys are open. 

Survey Content 

The major topics on school partner surveys are presented in the table below.  To see the survey and the exact questions, click here to request a .pdf copy of the most recent survey content.  

Survey Completion

Response Rate Targets

While it is aspirational, iMentor sets a 100% response rate target for program staff surveys.  

It is important to ensure that feedback is obtained from all program staff to be truly representative of the experience implementing the iMentor model at all levels.  If staff fail to complete the survey, their perspective on how to best on-board, train and support staff is lost.  Additionally, implementation of programming has such varied stakeholders (i.e., leadership, management, direct service, etc.), it is important to gather as much information as possible across all implementation contexts.

Completion Time

The amount of time it takes program staff to complete the survey differs substantially depending on the respondent and the level of detail they share in open-ended questions.  Typically, staff complete the survey in less than 5 minutes.