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Assessments talking points for students

Assessments will be new experience for students in the iMentor program. However, quizzes in a classroom setting are not a foreign concept to students. Program managers who implemented 12th grade assessments in 2017-18 reported that students generally had a neutral or positive response to assessments. However, it may still be necessary to introduce the assessments to students and let them know what they’ll get out of it. Below are some talking points that may be helpful as you talk with your students about assessments. This is NOT an exhaustive list. Talking points may require some modification to best fit your student population.

  • Show us what you know. These quizzes are an opportunity to demonstrate what you know to yourself, your program manager, and your friends.
  • Something to talk with your mentor about. When you see your results, you can share your score with your mentor. Let them know about what you’re learning. If you don’t know what to talk with your mentor about, it could be an opportunity to ask your mentor some questions.
  • An opportunity to leverage your mentor. There may be a question or concept on the assessment that you don’t understand. Your mentor could be a resource for getting to the answer to these questions. You can also learn more about your mentor’s experience with the quiz content (i.e., college fit, growth mindset, etc.)
  • Help me (PM) learn. These assessments help me (your PM) learn about where I can continue to grow as a teacher.
  • This is your opportunity to tell me how I’m doing. My job it to teach you these concepts. I want to make sure I’m doing it. By taking this assessment, you’re giving me feedback that will help me ensure I can teach these concepts to you, your friends, and future students in this class.
  • Assessments are here to help. These aren’t intended to be punitive! iMentor is here to teach you important concepts that will help you succeed after high school. These assessments help us make sure we’re doing the best possible job for you.
  • We can go back and cover the things you don’t know. Don’t worry if your score is low! This can be an opportunity for us to make sure you learn these important concepts. If you have questions, I can answer them. We can also review these ideas at a different time.