We are here to support your program.

Standardized Support Resources


Mentor Introductory Calls
Program Managers (PMs) must plan for and complete an Introductory Call with all mentors at the start of both 11th and 12th grade.  These conversations look slightly based on whether the mentor is newly matched or continuing into the second year of t...
Mentee Fall Touch Points
Program Managers (PMs) have a great deal of contact with mentees in weekly iMentor classes and likely provide a great deal of ad hoc support during this time.  However, to ensure a consistent baseline of support, PMs are charged with providing and d...
Mentor Spring Calls
Program Managers (PMs) must plan for and complete a support touch point with all mentors between April 1 - June 30.  These conversations will look different based on mentees' grade level, the strength of pairs' relationships and their progress towar...
Mentor Fall Support Touch Points
Program Managers (PMs) are responsible for ensuring all mentors experience a consistent baseline of support in during teh year in which their mentee is an 11th grader.  As such, PMs are charged with providing an intentional support touch point to ev...
Spring Triad Pair Support Touch Points - 11th Grade
PMs must offer all pairs at least one opportunity for a triad (i.e., PM , mentee and mentor present) pair support contact between January 15 and May 31 of mentees' junior year.  The focus areas of these touch points include checking in on relationsh...
Mentee Spring Touch Points
Program Managers (PMs) have a great deal of contact with mentees in weekly iMentor classes and likely provide a great deal of ad hoc support during this time.  However, to ensure a consistent baseline of support, PMs are charged with providing and d...
Mentor Mid-Year Engagement
Program Managers (PMs) are required to provide a pair support touch point to all mentors between January 1 - March 31 and work with their managers to prioritize groups of mentors they will reach out to throughout this period of time.  These conversa...