Pair Support
Access pair support research, tools, resources and best practices.
Introduction to Pair Support
Access resources to learn about pair support and the frameworks that drive iMentor's philosophy.
Pair Support Research
Access the research that informs iMentor's pair support philosophy.
Pair Support Strategies
Access resources that are designed to aid PMs in crafting a strategic approach for supporting pairs.
Standardized Pair Support
Access resources to learn about the baseline support PMs are accountable for providing to all pairs.
Pair Support Documentation
Access resources to learn bout the different types of pair support PMs provide and document.
Mentee-Specific Support Resources
Access resources that can inform PMs' approach to providing support to mentees.
Mentor-Specific Support Resources
Access resources that can inform PMs' approach to providing support the mentors.
Parent/Guardian Engagement Resources
Access resources that can inform PMs' efforts to engage parent/guardians as iMentor allies.
Match Intervention Resources
Access resources to learn about match intervention and the protocols associated with it.
Managing Match Transitions
Access resources to learn how PMs transition pairs into post-secondary programming or close relationships.