Program Managers (PMs) have a great deal of contact with mentees in weekly iMentor classes and likely provide a great deal of ad hoc support during this time. However, to ensure a consistent baseline of support, PMs are charged with providing and documenting at least one intentional support touch point to every matched mentee on their caseload once during the spring.
This article provides resources for planning, executing and documenting these intentional mentee support contacts.
Planning and Executing Mentee Spring Touch Points
Mentee Spring Support Touch Point Guide - 11th Grade
This resource provides helpful tips and tricks for PMs to consider when developing plans for providing intentional support to their mentees during the spring of the 11th grade.
Mentee Spring Support Touch Point Guide - 12th Grade
This resource provides helpful tips and tricks for PMs to consider when developing plans for providing intentional support to their mentees during the spring of 12th grade.
Tracking and Documenting Mentee Spring Touch Points
Documenting Mentee Spring Support Touch Points
This resource provides step-by-step instructions for documenting mentee spring support touch points on the iMentor Platform.
Tracking Toward Completion of Mentee Spring Support Touch Points
Use the Support Summary tab of the HS Implementation Dashboard to manage toward completion of spring mentee support touch points. The article linked above explains how to read the data on this tab and PMs goal is to fill the spring bar chart to 100%.