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Match Intervention Protocol: Mentor not Meeting Expectations And Not Responsive to PM

When mentors do not meet our expectations, and has NOT been accessible by phone/email for over three weeks, significant Match Intervention is required.  Typically, in this scenario, PMs give mentors official warnings, and based on the mentor's ability to correct undesirable behavior (i.e., does not reconnect with PM or increase engagement with their mentee), place mentors on probationary status.  If the undesirable behavior is still not corrected following a formal warning and probationary period, PMs discuss the possibility of un-matching the mentor and prevent the mentor from mentoring with our program again (refer to the Match Intervention Protocol: Decision Tree to understand the order of protocol in this scenario). 

All Match Intervention decisions must first be discussed between PMs and mangers during their weekly check-in meetings – often as a part of the Focus List portion of that discussion.  Manager approval is required for all Match Intervention strategies.

Timeline for Match Intervention Protocol in Circumstances Where Mentors are Not Meeting Expectations

Generally speaking, the timeline PMs follow in scenarios where mentors are not meeting the expectations set forth for mentor engagement AND are not in contact with the PM is as follows:

Circumstances/Timing Action
Mentor exhibits "negative behavior" PM brings situation to their manager's attention during the weekly check-in to discuss next steps.
Following meeting with manager PM attempts to reach mentor at all available numbers listed on the platform profile and emails formal warning if mentor cannot be reached.
+ 2 Weeks If mentor has not connected with the PM following the formal warning, PM reaches out to mentor to inform them that they are being placed on formal probation and are at risk of being un-matched.
+ 2 Weeks If mentor has not corrected "negative behavior" and/or adhered to the goals set forth via the formal warning, PM discusses un-matching with manager and next steps are decided upon.

Managing Situations in Which Mentors that are Not Meeting Expectations and are Not in Contact with PM

When mentors are not meeting expectations  AND following two weeks of mentors not responding to the PM to address the concern, PMs proceed as follows:

  1. PM documents concerning behavior via a note on mentor’s platform profile;
  2. PM adds pair to Focus List and discusses the mentor’s delinquency in their next weekly check-in with their manager;
  3. PM calls all numbers listed in profile (i.e., home, cell, work);
  4. PM emails mentor to communicate a formal warning and schedule a follow-up call;
    • Click HERE to view a template for this email communication.  Please note that you may need to slightly augment the language of this template (i.e., the template is written as a follow-up to a discussion - if a discussion was not executed, more significant edits will be required).  At a bare minimum, you will need to address the email and edit the text in brackets;
  5. If mentor does not respond within 2 weeks, PM emails mentor again to notify the mentor that they are at-risk of being un-matched from their mentee if their undesirable behavior is not corrected  (i.e., place on probation);
    • Click HERE to view a template for this email communication.  Please note that you may need to slightly augment the language of this template (i.e., the template is written as a follow-up to a discussion - if a discussion was not executed, more significant edits will be required).  At a bare minimum, you will need to address the email and edit the text in brackets;
  6. As necessary, PM informs mentee of status of communication with mentor and addresses any concerns mentee may have;
  7. All above communication must be documented on platform profile (for both mentee and mentor);
  8. PM gives a mentor an official warning and places them on probationary status once; mentors that are still MIA for more than 2 weeks after the warning (step 5) are un-matched (instructions for un-matching pairs on the platform can be found HERE).
    • Note: This final decision is flexible, but only when discussed between PMs and managers and the context surrounding the pair indicates that additional Match Intervention may be able to get the pair on track.
    • Click HERE to view a template for this email communication.  Please note that you may need to slightly augment the language of this template (i.e., the template is written as a follow-up to a discussion - if a discussion was not executed, more significant edits will be required).  At a bare minimum, you will need to address the email and edit the text in brackets;