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Match Intervention Protocol: Mentor Meeting Expectations But Must Be Un-Matched for Non-Programmatic Reasons

When otherwise strong mentors are not able to meet our expectations any longer due to, for example, a move or unexpected changes at work, mentors will need to be un-matched.  In these scenarios, Program Managers (PMs) must take into account the time of year and stage in the life cycle of the relationship before formally initiated the match closure process.  For example, if the mentee is in the 12th grade, perhaps the PM will leave the pair open and garner commitment from both parties to continue online communication and complete periodic video chats.  

Timeline for Match Intervention Protocol in Circumstances Where Mentors Must Be Un-Matched for Non-Programmatic Reasons

The timeline on which the Match Intervention Protocol is deployed in this scenario are idiosyncratic to the circumstances of the pair (i.e., relationship strength, time of year, mentee grade, etc.).  The timeline must be established by the PM and their manager with the pairs' best interest in mind AND the timeline must be shared with the pair so all parties are on the same page.

Managing Situations in Which Mentors Meeting Expectations But Must Be Un-Matched for Non-Programmatic Reasons

When mentors are meeting expectations but can no longer continue in the match for non-programmatic reasons, PMs proceed as follows:

  1. PM documents the mentor's inability to continue in the program via a note on mentor’s platform profile;
  2. PM brings up un-matching possibility with manager in weekly check-in;
  3. PM calls mentor to discuss un-matching;
    • Click HERE to read about iMentor's approach to healthy match closure.  The article includes tips for managing the mentor closure experience, including talking points.
  4. PM talks with mentee in class about un-matching;
    • Click HERE to read about iMentor's approach to healthy match closure.  The article includes tips for managing the mentee closure experience, including talking points.
  5. PM leads pair through healthy match closure process, to the best of her ability;
  6. PM updates mentor profile with detailed notes, email conversations, or anything that would help future platform users understand the un-matching situation;
  7. PM formally un-matches pair on platform (instructions for un-matching pairs on the platform can be found HERE).