We are here to support your program.

Match Intervention Protocol: Un-Matching Discussion Follow-Up

The following template is designed to be used as a baseline draft of the follow-up email to a mentor resulting from a discussion regarding un-matching.  Please note that you may need to slightly augment the language of this template based on the circumstance of the pair.  At a bare minimum, you will need to address the email to the appropriate recipient, edit the text in brackets and clean any formatting errors that resulted by the copy/paste action into Microsoft Outlook.


Based on the circumstances of the pair:

  • The PM's manager may want to approve this message before being sent to the mentor;
  • The PM may want to consider cc'ing their manager and including a note in the email message (i.e., "At this stage, I have to notify my manager [MANAGER NAME], who is cc'd on this message.")

Email Template


  • Mentor
  • PM's Manager

Email Subject: 

Follow-Up re: Call Discussing Probationary Status

Email Body:


Thanks again for taking the time to speak with me yesterday.  I’m writing to follow-up about ending your match healthfully with [MENTEE] and to clarify any next steps.

Again, it’s critically important to [send a message to and/or meet] [MENTEE] to discuss your inability to continue in the program.  This is imperative as it helps to prevent our mentees from feeling personally rejected and from harboring any distrust with future mentors—I’m sure you understand why it’s so important to have this conversation.  If you need help in writing this email, please let me know because I really want to be as helpful as possible.  Some key points this message should include are:

  1. Reflecting on the past year
    • Highlight a strength you saw the mentee develop
    • Point out a time where they handled a difficult situation well
    • Highlight an accomplishment of theirs
    • Share with them something you learned from them
  2. Express disappointment that you won’t be able to continue as their mentor
  3. Suggest you can no longer mentor because you can’t give time/attention they deserve
  4. Encourage mentee to continue working on the goals you two developed with new mentor (if applicable)

The sooner you are able to have this conversation and then send [MENTEE] the follow-up message on the platform, the better—on the phone we agreed that you’d send the message before [ENTER DATE].  Please let me know as soon as you have done either so I can begin matching [MENTEE] with a new mentor.

Thank you for your time and dedication to [MENTEE] and the iMentor program and thank you for your willingness to give back!
