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OLI Quick Links

The OLI team creates and maintains a number of resources for iMentor. Here are the resources with our most commonly requested data points. Please reach out to [email protected] if you require access to any of these links.


Annual Youth Served

Annual Youth Served dashboard

Overview: The annual youth served is a count of all youth within a fiscal year who have received any kind of programming from iMentor.  Program participation is defined as any youth who have used our program technology for at least two months. This count includes matched and unmatched youth served in our regional high school programs, our post-secondary program, and through partners. 

This definition is purposefully inclusive of young people in our program who - whether matched or not - receive iMentor programming through our Platform, which the billing freeze does not account for.

Timeline: New report produced annually, mid July every year.

Data points:

  • Number of pairs

  • Number of unmatched mentees

  • Number of matched and unmatched students in iMentor College

Lives Touched

Lives Touched document

Overview: The Lives Touched document is a running document of the total number of mentees matched since iMentor was founded in 1999. “Mentees matched” includes any mentee who was matched for at least 10 days. 

Timeline: Updated annually, July at the end of the program year

Data Points: 

Note: Due to changes in data systems since 1999, this document is not able to find more specific information like school level or individual level demographic information from before 2006. 

  • Number of new mentees reached by region and program year


2023-24 High School Dashboards - Sigma

2023-24 iMentor College (previously PSP) Dashboards - Sigma

Historical data:

2022-2023 End of Year survey (HS) Qualtrics Reports

2022-2023 Q4 (PSP) Qualtrics Reports

Overview: The OLI and Program teams survey the mentors and mentees in our high school and post-secondary programs twice a year. Matched and unmatched mentees take the surveys. Both Direct Service and Partner Programs distribute the high school surveys to program participants; only Direct Service pairs receive the PSP surveys. 


  • Beginning of Year (HS): Survey administered in fall, results available in winter
  • End of Year (HS): Survey administered in spring, results available in summer
  • Q2 (PSP): Survey administered in fall, results available in winter
  • Q4 (PSP): Survey administered in spring, results available in summer

Data Points:

High School

Beginning of Year

End of Year

Strength of Personal relationship (mentee, mentor)

Strength of Personal relationship (mentee, mentor)

College-going aspirations (mentee)

Intended post-secondary pathway (12th grade mentees only)

Social emotional learning skills (mentee)

Social emotional learning skills (mentee)

Expectations of the program (mentor)

Topics covered in program (mentee, mentor)

Reasons for volunteering (mentor)

Program experience (mentee, mentor)

Professional development and training (mentor)


Beginning of Year (Q2)

End of Year (Q4)

Strength of Personal Relationship (mentee,  mentor)

Strength of Personal Relationship (mentee,  mentor)

Mentee’s current pathway (mentee, mentor)

Mentee’s current pathway (mentee, mentor)

Mentor and iMentor staff support (mentee, mentor)

Mentor and iMentor staff support (mentee, mentor)

Engagement with iMentor materials (discussion guides, text messages, etc.)

Engagement with iMentor materials (discussion guides, text messages, etc.)

Level of communication and contact with mentee/mentor (mentee, mentor)

Level of communication and contact with mentee/mentor (mentee, mentor)

Program staff and PSP satisfaction (mentee, mentor)

Program staff and PSP satisfaction (mentee, mentor)

Interest in mentoring another student (mentor)

Interest in mentoring another student (mentor)

Program Implementation

Program Implementation Dashboard (PI Dash)

PI Dash



Overview:  The PI Dash shows high school pairs’ engagement with the iMentor program over the course of the program year. This dashboard is primarily used by program implementation teams. 

Timeline: Updates daily, and resets at the beginning of each program year

  • A “freeze” of PI dash takes place in mid-June so that the benchmarks and other end of year data does not change over the summer

Mentor Training

Mentor Training dashboard

Overview:  This dashboard shows the number of trainings high school mentors have attended over the year, by PM. This dashboard is primarily used by program implementation teams, primarily direct service teams. 

Timeline: Updates daily, and resets at the beginning of each program year

College Process

College Process Dashboard

Overview: This dashboard shows the number and percentage of 12th graders who complete various post-secondary tasks through the post-secondary tracker feature on legacy Platform, including applying to college and acceptance. The students represented in this dashboard is the same as those in the PI dash, and is available for direct service sites only.

Timeline: Updates daily, and resets at the beginning of each program year. 

Outcomes and Impact

Long-Term Outcomes

FY24 National Deck (reporting on the class of 2023-2017)

FY24 Regional Compendium (reporting on the class of 2023-2017)

Long-Term Outcomes Dashboard

Long-Term Outcomes Definitions and FAQ

Historical data:

FY23 National Deck (reporting on the class of 2022-2016)

FY23 Regional Compendium (reporting on the class of 2022-2016)

Overview: iMentor tracks the post-secondary pathways of students in an annual Long Term Outcomes report. The report provides data about summer melt, immediate enrollment, persistence and college completion for students in iMentor’s direct service regions.

Timeline: New results available annually, January

Data Points:

  • Immediate enrollment

  • Persistence to the second fall after high school graduation

  • Completion of an associates or bachelors degree within six years of high school graduation

  • Summer melt

  • Intersectional analysis by race and gender, and other demographics

Volunteer Hours

Volunteer Hours Dashboard - Sigma

Volunteer Hours timing and definitions

Overview: This dashboard tracks the number of hours that mentors have volunteered with iMentor by program and calendar year. The primary volunteer activities include completing lessons, attending mentor training sessions, and attending pair events. These are tracked for both direct service sites and iMentor College. 

Timeline: Updated daily, and resets at the beginning of each program year.

Data Points:

  • Number of lesson, pair meeting and mentor training hours completed by mentor and by employer


Big 5 Dashboard

Big 5 Dashboard [Link forthcoming]

Overview: This dashboard tracks our progress towards iMentor’s Big 5 Strategic Framework data goals: student enrollment, mentor recruitment, pair engagement, partnership growth, and fundraising. 

Timeline: Updated daily

Data Points:

  • Real-time snapshot of enrollment by region and partner programs

  • Real-time snapshot of high school pairs’ engagement with iMentor lessons and events

  • Real-time snapshot of mentors recruited

  • Real-time snapshot of funds raised

  • Real-time snapshot of new business higher-ed partnerships

  • Organizational progress towards goals set by the strategic framework

Logic Model

Logic Model

Overview: The Logic Model was redesigned in FY24. This document delineates the needs, inputs, actions, outputs and outcomes expected for the high school direct service and iMentor College programs.