Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring - Closure Excerpt
This excerpt is from the premier resource in the field of mentoring with regards to implementation practices. While iMentor's approach to match closure is intentionally aligned to the practice in this excerpt and the research behind it, it is still a helpful foundational resource for implementation stakeholder to review.
Supporting Pairs Toward Healthy Closure
Regardless of the circumstances that result in the need to end a pair relationship, it is important that PMs coach pairs toward healthy closure. This resource outlines the steps PMs should take to ensure mentees and mentors feel a sense of accomplishment and have the ability to move on with positive feelings about their experience.
These templates can serve as a foundation from which PMs can work with their manager to customize messaging to mentors as a follow-up from the closure conversation, which is a part of the healthy match closure process. There are three templates embedded in this resource that PMs and their managers can choose from depending on the circumstances that led to the need to end the relationship.
How to Close a Match on the iMentor Platform
This resource provides step-by-step instructions for PMs to follow in order to properly close out a pair's relationship on the iMentor Platform. PMs should be sure to read the guide linked in this resource and directly below to select the most appropriate closure reason(s) for each relationship that is ending.
Selecting the Appropriate Match Closure Reason
This resource lists all match closure reasons available to PMs on the iMentor Platform along with guidance to help them select the most appropriate reason for each pair.
Supporting Mentees Toward Re-Engaging with a New Mentor
If a mentee's relationship terminates early, but there is still time for them to build a strong personal relationship with a new mentor and work with them to achieve their highest post-secondary aspiration, PMs should work toward encouraging them to do so. This resource provides best practices to help PMs in these efforts.