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Benchmark Calculations


A pair will reach their writing benchmark if they communicate within the lesson start and end dates for 65% of the lessons assigned to them.



(Lessons Pair Completed On-time) / (YTD Lessons Assigned)



Number of lessons completed on time divided by the year to date lessons assigned.

  • Lessons pair complete on time = number of lessons where both the mentee and mentor communicated within the writing period.
  • YTD lessons assigned = number of lessons assigned to the pair in the current program year


To meet the event benchmark, pairs must attend events for 65% of the time they are matched together for the program year.



(Number of events attended) / (Program year length of match)



Number of events attended divided by the program year length of match in months.

  • The program year length of match will be dependent on the program start and end dates for each region. Start and end dates are equal to the first and last day of iMentor classes in that region. 



Edge Case: Late matches

Some pairs begin their relationship after we launch our program. Pairs matched after the program start date will have their actual match start date as their program year start date. 

For example, if matched on 10/7, the benchmark will include October’s event. They need to meet 6 times to meet the event benchmark (as noted in the breakdown below).

For example, if matched on 10/31, the benchmark will not include October’s event and will start calculating the event benchmark as of November 1st. They need to meet 5 times to meet the event benchmark.

  • Pairs matched before the 10th of the month will have their program year match start date adjusted to the start of that month.
  • Pairs matched after the 10th of the month will have their program year match start date adjusted to the start of the following month.

Cheat Sheet: If matched…

  • in or before September, they will need to meet 6 times to meet the event benchmark (6/9 = 66%)
  • in October, they will need to meet 6 times to meet the event benchmark (6/8 = 75%, 5/8 = 62.5%)
  • in November, they will need to meet 5 times to meet the event benchmark (5/7 = 71.4%, 4/7 = 57.1%)
  • in December, they will need to meet 4 times to meet the event benchmark (4/6 = 66%)
  • in January, they will need to meet 4 times to meet the event benchmark (4/5 = 80%, 3/5 = 60%)
  • in February, they will need to meet 3 times to meet the event benchmark (3/4 = 75%, 2/4 = 50%)
  • in March, they will need to meet 2 times to meet the event benchmark (2/3 = 66%)



  1. When’s the last possible day of matching? 
    • The last possible day of matching for iMentor Chicago, iMentor Baltimore, and iMentor NYC is January 31, 2025. The last possible day of matching for partners varies. 
  2. What if I have an event after the last class? Will that event count towards meeting benchmarks? 
    • Events/pair meetings from 7/1 - 6/30 are rolled into this program year, so graduation pair meetings would be included as well. (Program start and end dates only apply for the length of match calculation.)
  3. Can you explain situations in which pairs would be matched before program start date? Are these just 12th graders who were matched in 11thgrade? In calculating of event benchmarks for these students, however, don’t we still need to use the PY start date as the initial marker?
    • Yes, this would just affect 12th graders who were matched in 11th grade. If we used their full length of match, then they would never meet the benchmark due to their actual length of match being much greater than the program year. With this start and end date, then we can contain engagement for the program year.
  4. Can we specify different length of match calculations in the PI-Dash (e.g., for different regions)? 
    • We can specify the LOM calculations for different regions in this case because only the start and end dates for each region will be different.
  5. What types of events are included in the event calculation? 
    • Pair meetings, pair expeditions, and pair events (including make-up events) are included the total number of events attended.