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Your Recruiting Pipeline and Reporting Progress

Your Recruiting Pipeline and Reporting Progress

In years past, iMentor's success in volunteer recruitment was measured in the number of RTBMs achieved by a given date (deadline). The problem with the RTBM metric is that, while it's important to know your end goal for matching, it does not speak to the recruitment life cycle or the actual buckets of work in the recruitment process. 

As such, directors of recruitment and engagement should report out on other metrics that speak to the health of their pipeline and not only measure success by the size of the RTBM bank. The RTBM banks do not tell the recruitment and engagement story. 

What metrics are important?

1) How many new people are you meeting / scheduled to meet in a given week or month? "Meeting" could include receiving referrals from existing mentors or Mentor Ambassadors/YEB members, attendees at corporate or community information sessions or new applications from the platform. 

2) How many people are RSVP'd for training? Since our conversion rates are healthiest from orientation to RTBM, having a healthy pipeline of people RSVP'd for upcoming trainings in one of the strongest indicators of the health of your pipeline. If you are halfway to your RTBM goal, but your orientations are empty - you are not on track to meet your end-of-season matching need. 

3) How many people are in screening right now? We know that nationally 80% of those that enter screening will exit successfully and become RTBM. By keeping a close eye on the number of people who are currently in screening, you can more accurately project how many more mentors you need to train in order to hit your matching goal. 

4) How many corporate and community information sessions do you have scheduled? We know that corporate and community recruitment streams are an important part of how we meet our matching goal every year. You can evaluate the health of your pipeline, especially in the early months of the peak season, by setting a goal for the number of information sessions you'd like to happen each week/month.