We are here to support your program.

Establishing Strong Pair Engagement Habits

Monitoring pair engagement frequency and quality in order to foster consistent online and in-person communication is a critical aspect of the PM role.  iMentor has developed several tools that are designed to support this work and it is important that PMs dedicate time to becoming comfortable with using these tools so they can  foster healthy pair engagement habits beginning early in the program year.  

Independent Pre-Work

In preparation to engage in a short training around establishing strong pair engagement habits, complete the following pre-work:

Visit the Learning Center pages linked below to watch a short video introducing each feature and their various functions.   You might have already explored these tools in the self-directed Platform training course, but we are now going to think more about how to use them in your role.  After watching the video, read through the remainder of the article to gather further details and respond to the prompts in the activity worksheet.

Follow-Up Resources

The Importance of Pair Engagement & Performance Management

  • Read this 1-page resource that highlights findings from iMentor's internal research on the relationship between consistent pair engagement and program outcomes. 

Measurement & Benchmark Explanations

  • Read this 2-page resource that explains the benchmarks iMentor sets for pair engagement as well as pair support.

Maintaining Mentee Engagement

  • Read this 1-page collection of strategies to maintain mentee engagement early on and throughout the program year.  

Strategies for Increasing Pair Engagement

  • At a minimum, favorite this collection of resources from the Digital Program Manual that provide guidance for implementing strategies proven to be effective in fostering healthy pair engagement habits by PMs in the field.  


Facilitation materials for the synchronous portion of this training content can be accessed HERE.