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Data Tracking and Enroll

Information on data-driven advising and Enroll.


The Big 10
Why Data?  Based on the size and scale of our program, we want to make sure we use data to: Create actionable priorities.  Streamline communication between PMs, school-based staff, and mentors to ensure that all students are tracked and up-to-da...
Enroll Trackers and FAQs
Tracker Basics Trackers live on your homepage/dashboard and you can create trackers to show you the status of all of your students for a given task. You can create trackers for almost everything on the task list. There are many ways to create a tra...
Enroll Reports
One of the trackers on your dashboard is a Reports tracker. Use reports to share information with your school partner or to see all student information at a glance. Below are the types of reports currently available on your dashboard. Compl...
Enroll Text Fields for College Support and Pro-Pathway Programs
Two important pieces of information that we are tracking in Enroll - College Support Programs and Pro-Pathway programs -  require PMs to write in the relevant information. The information is auto populated from the list below.  If there are add...