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Enroll Trackers and FAQs

Tracker Basics

Trackers live on your homepage/dashboard and you can create trackers to show you the status of all of your students for a given task. You can create trackers for almost everything on the task list. There are many ways to create a tracker. Use this step by step guide for help. 

  • Featured option -> Group by - allows you to see all of your students organized by their status for the selected question. The benefit is that in this tracker you can drag and drop students to update their status
  • Tag Filters – allows you to see only specific group of students. First you choose a question and then you select the status you are interested in. For instance, if you only want to see students who still need to complete FAFSA you would make a tracker this way. The benefit is that you will have a targeted group of students in this tracker.
  • Keyword Filters – allows you to create a filter for questions that are text fields. For instance, if you are a PM splitting a cohort with another PM, you can create a filter for just the students on your caseload

Enroll FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you…

  1. get a snapshot of all the information about one student? 

    • To see everything that is happening with one student you need to go their student page. You can do this by typing their name in the Search Bar at the top of the screen, finding them in a Tracker or in Browse at the top right of the screen and then clicking on their name.
  2. drag and drop students to make super quick updates?

    • You can drag and drop between columns in your tracker in order to make updates to a student’s page. This is the fastest and easiest way to make updates. To make sure your trackers are set up for this, create or update a tracker and instead of choosing a Filter – leave the filters blank, and scroll to where it says Group By and select the task you want to update.
    • Refer to this GroupTrail resource for more help: Batch Updating Student Tags
  3. print a list of students and the tasks they need to complete?

    • Click on Browse -> Cohort 2022 in the top right corner, then select the Task and Status in the menu on the left and hit Update. Finally, hit Download Report on the upper right of your screen. The download will be in the form of an excel document.
    • Open up any of your trackers -> Click Print  -> Click the Print Tracker button at the top of the screen. Finally, the print dialogue box opens up and you should review print settings and hit Print
    • Refer to this GroupTrail resource for more help: Printing a Student List