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Chicago: What Screeners Need to Know

Chicago Screener Cheat Sheet

  • Chicago has 5 schools: Chicago Military Academy at Bronzeville (South Side), Phoenix Military Academy (West Side), Chicago Tech Academy (West Side), Richard T. Crane Medical Prep High School (known simply as Crane, it’s about a block from Phoenix on the West Side) and North-Grand High School (North West). 
  • Our Chicago schools are part of the Chicago Public School (CPS) system. 
  • Chicago is on Central Time which is an hour behind New York City and Baltimore.
  • Mentors meet with their mentees at their schools for the monthly pair events. This typically occurs on either T/ W/ Th starting at 6pm. Chicago Tech Academy starts at 5:30pm.
  • Chicago is relatively flexible about pairs doing in-person makeup sessions.
  • Lunch meetups can be used as the pair's monthly event. However, for Chicago, not many mentees need the lunch option.
  • Screening collaborates closely with Chicago's Mentor Engagement team: Maggie Hughes, Director of Mentor Engagement; Deji Adeleke, Recruitment Manager, Corporate & Community; Abi Hernandez, Senior Recruitment Manager; as well as Eric Barbour, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives, Chicago.


  • Chicago applicants go to drop-in centers called Accurate Biometrics for fingerprinting. They are required to bring this form with them which is linked in screening's instructional email templates.
  • There are Accurate Biometrics locations all over Chicagoland and applicants can choose the most convenient location and best day/time to go. Alternatively, Mentor Engagement offers biweekly Saturday fingerprinting at our iMentor offices during high recruitment season.
  • Once an applicant is fingerprinted at Accurate Biometrics, they receive a confirmation sheet that has a Transaction Control Number (TCN) on it. 

  • Applicants are instructed to email their screener with their TCN once they’ve been printed. We input it into the TCN Number field in Salesforce. We also manually update their status to “fingerprinted” and input the Date Background Check Printed field.

  • The TCN allows the VSM to best track results and allows us to make inquiries about applicants with CPS as needed. CPS oversees the background check process.
  • Our background check contacts at CPS  can be reached via: [email protected]. The Volunteer Screening Manager for Chicago manages this relationship and all applicant follow ups that might be necessary. The VSM will also make all clearance updates. 


  • Make sure that the applications of all who attended orientation are linked to the right Salesforce campaign.
  •  Automated fingerprints instructions email is sent typically shortly after the applicant attended orientation.
  • The automated fingerprint reminder email is sent 2 days before their scheduled appointment. If the applicant signed up for a fingerprinting event, the VSM will provide a placeholder date to stop that automated email from sending.
  • Send out fingerprint check in emails as applicable. Please note that the Fingerprint Reminder email (highlighted below) is automated and will be sent by Salesforce the day before an applicant's scheduled appointment. 

  • Definitely check in with people who have past due background check visit dates and get their TCN or reschedule as needed (often applicants forget to confirm with us that they were fingerprinted). 
  • Log all key correspondence and status updates in the mentor application in Salesforce. This ensures that other staff can glance at an application and know exactly what’s happening with an applicant.
  • Send eReference forms every 2 days up to 4 times. Call references as needed.  
  • Please copy/paste and format all match notes and interview transcripts into Salesforce within 24 hour. Save all interview transcripts locally and back them up on Box regularly.  
  • Please audit the status of your Chicago applicant’s mentor contracts and send reminder emails to applicants who have received their mentor contract via DocuSign but haven’t yet signed and returned it.