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12th Grade Lessons and Events

In the 12th Grade, pairs will strengthen their relationship by collaborating on post-secondary tasks, preparing for their post-secondary lives, and deciding on a best fit post-secondary pathway. Lastly, pairs will see each other as a strong mutual support system in order to become autonomous in the post-secondary program.  

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 

Click here to access the 12th grade curriculum map.

Phase 1:  Preparing for Senior Year (September to October)
Pairs will be re-acquainted with the program. They'll work collaboratively to re-engage and build excitement for the 12th grade. Pairs will revisit the mentee’s career interests and understand how these career interests can align with post-secondary pathways. At the end of this phase, pairs will understand what is expected of them this year, be reconnected, and be prepared to launch into the application process.

Phase 2:  Crafting My Applications (November to first week of January) 
Pairs will work on post-secondary applications. Every mentee will apply to at least one college and, if they are interested in non-college options, to at least one other post-secondary pathway. Students must be able to identify why the pathway is a strong fit for them and understand the financial costs associated with the pathway.

Phase 3: Building and Growing Career Connections  (January to end of February)
Pairs will explore how connections and networks can lead to career opportunities. They will map their current networks and think about when and how we all need to ask for support. Mentees will learn about professional emailing. And pairs will revisit each mentee’s career map with an eye towards identifying how to build connections in their areas of interest.

Phase 4: Choosing My Path (March to end of April)

Pairs will work towards reviewing the mentee’s post-secondary options and analyzing the pros and cons of each option. Pairs will focus on financial aid and reading award letters to support the mentee in making a fiscally responsible decision. The phase will culminate in the mentee choosing a post-secondary pathway for themself.

Phase 5: Making My Transition (May to June)
Mentees will identify the steps necessary to transition from high school to their post-secondary pathway. With their mentor’s support, they will think through individuals they can turn to for assistance in the completion of each step.