School Recruitment Overview:
This resource outlines the steps involved in recruiting school partners, a sample recruitment timeline and an introduction to iMentor's school partner selection criteria.
General Criteria for Partner Selection:
This document provides the criteria iMentor uses to measure a school candidate’s program alignment and partnership strength. This can be used as an evaluative tool as teams narrow down the list of potential school partners.
School Partnership Research - Workbook Sample:
This workbook was used by iMentor Chicago to develop an exhaustive list of schools, the criteria they were interested in tracking and contact information/history. Regional leaders can use this as a model in developing their own research tool to collect information regarding potential school partners.
Sample School Partner Selection Criteria Exercise:
This document presents a comparison of three potential school partners being considered in a fictitious iMentor region. Regional leaders can use this resource to understand how iMentor's school partnership criteria is used to weigh the pros and cons of various potential partners side-by-side. The document can also be used as a template for regional leaders to engage in a similar exercise after reducing their initial school partner research to a manageable number of potential partners.
School Partnership Timeline:
This document provides some guidance on a timeline for school recruitment, application, and decision-making.