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Building a List of Potential School Partners

This article includes links to resources to support regional leaders in building a list of potential school partners and evaluating their fit based on iMentor's partnership criteria.

School Partnership Research Workbook Sample

This workbook was used by iMentor Chicago to develop an exhaustive list of schools, the criteria they were interested in tracking and contact information/history.  Regional leaders can use this as a model in developing their own research tool to collect information regarding potential school partners.

Sample School Partner Selection Criteria Exercise

This document presents a comparison of three potential school partners being considered in a fictitious iMentor region.  Regional leaders can use this resource to understand how iMentor's school partnership criteria is used to weigh the pros and cons of various potential partners side-by-side.  The document can also be used as a template for regional leaders to engage in a similar exercise after reducing their initial school partner research to a manageable number of potential partners.

School Partner Selection Criteria Worksheet 

Regional leaders can use this template to consider the criteria that are critical for consideration when comparing potential school partners after reducing initial research.