When recruiting school partners, it is helpful to collect the baseline information from the schools you're considering by requesting that they fill out an application. Below, you'll see questions you can ask to determine whether a school is a good fit for your program.
Click here for a downloadable version of the information below.
General School Information
- School name:
- Street address:
- City:
- State:
- Zip code:
- Phone number:
- Website:
- Principal name:
- Principal email:
- School type: (public or charter)
- Brief description of your school and its mission:
Student Enrollment
- Grades served:
- School enrollment:
- Gender breakdown:
- Anticipated 9th grade enrollment in fall:
- Anticipated 11th grade enrollment in fall:
- Percent of students that are free and reduced lunch eligible:
- Percent of students that are black or Hispanic:
- Percent of students that are English language learners:
- Percent of students that have an Individual Education Plan (IEP):
- Title 1 School Status:
- Grades served
- School enrollment
- Gender breakdown
- Anticipated 9th grade enrollment in fall
- Anticipated 11th grade enrollment in fall
- Percent of students that are free and reduced lunch eligible
- Percent of students that are black or Hispanic
- Percent of students that are English language learners
- Percent of students that have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Title 1 School Status
School Data
- Most recent 4 year graduation rate:
- Attendance rate:
- Percent of students that are earning 10-plus credits in their first year:
- Most recent college readiness rate:
- 6th-month postsecondary enrollment rate:
- College and career preparatory index:
College Counseling Program
- Number of full-time staff dedicated to college counseling:
- Number of part-time staff dedicated to college counseling:
- Brief description of your current college counseling program, including staffing structure and elements:
School Support
- School support organization/network:
- Special programs:
- External partnerships:
- Is your school formally partnering with other mentoring organizations?
- Does your school have an advisory board?
Technology Access
Please check the statement that best reflects your students’ access to technology at your school:
☐ Students have unlimited access to reliable internet-connected computers (via school-based stationary computer lab or mobile laptop carts)
☐ Students have at least weekly access to reliable internet-connected computers (via school-based stationary computer lab or mobile laptop carts)
☐ Students have unreliable access to internet-connected computers
Program Components
The mentor2.0 Program includes a weekly classroom session, facilitated by a BBBS Program Manager. Describe your plan for integrating this course into your class schedule, and staff resources you will provide to support the class.
The mentor2.0 Program includes monthly evening activity sessions (generally between 6pm-8pm) that bring together all program mentors and students on-site at the school. The session is facilitated by a BBBS Program Manager. Describe your plan to support these sessions, including the space where sessions will take place, and staff resources you can commit to supporting each session.
What value do you see the mentor2.0 program bringing to your students and school community?