Pair Support Training
Intro to Pair Support: Working with your Mentees
Pair support does not happen in a vacuum. As you begin work with your cohort, it is important to make time to get to know your mentees and for them to get to know you. To help you think about this, explore the first two articles on the Mentee-Speci...
Intro to Pair Support -- Relationship Arcs, Pair Archetypes and Pair Support Strategies
Begin by reading the definition of pair support : What stands out to you? How would you describe pair support to someone who asked you what it means?
Read about the relationship arc
How would you describe the arc? ...
Intro to Pair Support -- Working with Mentors
Working with, and supporting, your mentors is a big part of the PM role. Being able to apply the best practices in mentor management will help you to work with your mentors, especially since you will not meet your mentors in person until the firs...
Intro to Pair Support -- Training Decks
Download and explore the decks we used in our PM training sessions: What is Pair Support -- Relationship arc and Pair Archetypes Mentor Management Counselling 101 ...