We are here to support your program.

Pair Support

Access research, resources and best practices for supporting pairs' continued relationship development in post-secondary programming.

PSP Pair Support Intro

Access resources to learn about pair support and the frameworks that drive iMentor's philosophy.

PSP Pair Support Research

Access the research that informs iMentor's pair support philosophy.

PSP Pair Support Strategies

Access resources that are designed to aid PMs in crafting a strategic approach for supporting pairs.

PSP Mentee-Specific Support Resources

Access resources that can inform PMs' approach to providing support to mentees.

PSP Mentor-Specific Support Resources

Access resources that can inform PMs' approach to providing support the mentors.

PSP Match Intervention Resources

Access resources to learn about match intervention and the protocols associated with it.


Pair Follow Up from Advising Session
Although we hope that mentors will be attending advising sessions with their mentees, we know that might not always be possible. If the mentor can’t attend in person, Program Manager’s should send a follow up to the mentor & mentee to both loop the ...