We are here to support your program.

Mentee Orientation & Enrollment

Mentee Orientation & Enrollment is all about helping students understand the iMentor program, building excitement about participating by helping them consider the ways a mentor can be helpful in working toward their post-secondary goals and supporting them through the tasks that set them up for success in participating.  

Independent Pre-Work

In preparation to engage in a short training around Mentee Orientation & Enrollment, complete the following pre-work:

The PM Role in Mentee Orientation & Enrollment

  • Read this 1-page overview of the specific ways PMs support mentees through the orientation and enrollment phase.

Mentee Application Completion Best Practices

  • Read this 1-page collection of best-practices established by PMs based on their experience in supporting mentees through the orientation and enrollment phase. 

Mentee Matching Application 

  • Click the link above to complete a mentee matching application on the iMentor Training Platform to gain an understanding of the student experience.   You will need to use a fake email to start the application like (your iMentor email is already tied to your administrator account). You can use any first name and last name @ imentor.org.  When asked about school, choose Luther L Wright, 2025,  Class 1 or 2. As you complete the application, consider areas you think students might struggle or need support with when they are asked to do the survey in class.

Follow-Up Resources

After completing the independent pre-work and engaging in the short training session regarding Mentee Orientation & Enrollment, calendar time to review the follow-up resources below to continue preparing to implement this work stream.

Mentee Orientation Curricular Content

  • At a minimum, review the sequence of topics and objectives for the first phase of the 11th grade curriculum.  These lessons are designed to prepare mentees for successful participation in iMentor programming and it is important that PMs work diligently toward the stated objectives.

Mentee Enrollment on the iMentor Platform

  • Review this Learning Center article designed to help PMs manage the mentee enrollment process on the iMentor Platform.

Parent/Guardian Consent Form Collection Best-Practices

  • Read this 1-page collection of best-practices established by PMs based on their experience in successfully collecting parent/guardian consent for students' participation in iMentor programming. 

Program Survey Administration Best-Practices

  • Read this 1-page collection of best-practices established by PMs based on their experience in successfully supporting mentees through thoughtful completion of the pre-program survey they will take during mentee orientation and enrollment. 


Facilitation materials for the synchronous portion of this training content can be accessed in the Phase 0 11th Grade PM training materials.