In the 12th Grade, pairs will strengthen their relationship by collaborating on post-secondary tasks, preparing for their post-secondary lives, and deciding on a best fit post-secondary pathway. Lastly, pairs will see each other as a strong mutual support system in order to become autonomous in the post-secondary program.
Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY iMentor platform.
Preparing for Senior Year
Pairs will be re-acquainted with the program. They'll work collaboratively to re-engage and build excitement for the 12th grade. Pairs will revisit the mentee’s career interests and understand how these career interests can align with post-secondary pathways. At the end of this phase, pairs will understand what is expected of them this year, be reconnected, and be prepared to launch into the application process.
Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY iMentor platform.
Resource | Description |
Parent Guardian Guide: Supporting your Child in their Mentorship | This guide serves to help guardians understand the steps they can take to encourage their mentee to deepen their bond with their mentor. |
Mentor Guide to the Senior Timeline | This guide serves to help mentors understand the tasks that must be completed during their mentee's senior year and highlights steps they can take to support their mentee with these tasks. |
Mentor Guide to Supporting with the Personal Statement | This guide serves to help mentors understand how to support their mentee with brainstorming, writing, and editing their personal statement. |
Mentor & Parent Guide to Getting to Know Each Other | This is a discussion handout you can print and provide to parents and mentors that are meeting each other for the first time. |
Pair Checklist | This checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase. |
Pair Rater Tool - Slide | This slide can be inserted into your presentation(s) once your cohort is matched. It reviews the importance of the Pair Rater Tool. |
Mentor Beginning of Year Call | This document provides program facilitators with talking points to follow when completing their beginning of year calls with mentors. |
College List Template | A template that students can use to build their college list. |
Lesson | Objective | Resources |
1.1 My Senior Year Timeline | SWBAT understand the expectations of senior year and how to leverage their mentor to support them in this work. | |
1.2 Beginning of Year Survey | SWBAT honestly and thoroughly answer their beginning of year survey. | |
1.3 Staying On Track for Graduation | SWBAT understand their progress towards graduation requirements. | |
1.4 Exploring Pathways Through Degrees and Certifications | SWBAT understand different degree types and the career pathways each type of degree can lead to. | |
1.5 Connecting Education and Career | SWBAT research career pathways based on the degree type they hope to pursue. | |
1.6 Reviewing our Regional Landscape | SWBAT use iMentor college persistence data to better understand their regional landscape. | |
1.7 Reviewing Financial Aid | SWBAT review the financial aid process and types of aid available. |
Event | Description | Resources |
Pair Even 1: Reconnecting & Career Mapping | Pairs will reconnect through the use of icebreakers and work on planning for the mentee’s future. | |
Pair Event 2: What Makes a Strong App? | Pairs will work on finalizing the mentee’s post-secondary list and compare admission profiles to understand what makes a strong application. | |
Alternate Event (event 1 and 2 combined) | Because we know that some schools may want to have pairs begin their application work earlier on in the year, this event serves to combine the first 2 events together so you can launch into application work time earlier on in your event scope. |
Crafting My Applications
Pairs will work on post-secondary applications. Every mentee will apply to at least one college and, if they are interested in non-college options, to at least one other post-secondary pathway. Students must be able to identify why the pathway is a strong fit for them and understand the financial costs associated with the pathway.
Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY iMentor platform.
Resource | Description |
Parent/Guardian Guide to Supporting with Applications | This guide serves to help guardians understand how they can support their child through the post-secondary application process. |
Guide to Writing About Extracurriculars | This guide serves to help pairs describe the mentee's extracurricular activities on their post-secondary applications. |
Common Application Guide | This guide serves to help pairs complete the Common Application. |
Financial Aid Documentation Guide (English / Spanish) | This document serves to give families an understand of which documents are required for financial aid applications. |
Pair Checklist | This checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase. |
Mentor Guide to the Affirmative Action Decision | This guide walks mentors through how to support their mentee post the 2023 supreme court ruling on affirmative action. |
uAspire FAFSA Resources: Parent FSA ID Flow Chart FSA ID How-To Guide Financial Aid Steps Checklist Parent Guide to FAFSA Multilingual: Financial Aid Checklist FSA ID How-To Guide FAFSA Checklist | The following resources have been provide by uAspire and reflect the "new" FAFSA updates. |
Lesson | Objective | Resources |
2.1 Organizing My Apps | SWBAT identify the required information for their post-secondary applications. | |
2.2 Editing and Finalizing My Personal Statement | SWBAT edit and finalize their personal statement. | |
Application Work Time | SWBAT work on their post-secondary applications. Please read: You may replace the next three lessons (2.3, 2.4, and 2.5), with application work time if needed. Please use the PowerPoint and lesson plan attached and set the "Application Work Time" lessons on the Platform. | |
2.3 Senioritis Awareness | SWBAT identify strategies for combating senioritis OR work on their applications. | |
2.4 Growing My Relationship | SWBAT reflect on how to grow their relationship with their mentor OR work on their applications. | |
2.5 The Importance of Mental Health | SWBAT identify supports for their mental health OR work on their applications. | |
2.6 Finalizing My Apps | SWBAT complete their post-secondary applications. | |
2.7 After Hitting Submit | SWBAT understand the next steps necessary after submitting their post-secondary applications. |
Event | Description | Resources |
Pair Event: Working on My Applications | Pairs will work on completing the mentee’s post-secondary applications. Scholarship searches and virtual college visits will be available for students that have submitted applications. | |
Pair Event: Continuing on My Applications | Pairs will work on completing the mentee’s post-secondary applications. Scholarship searches and virtual college visits will be available for students that have submitted applications. | |
Pair Event: Finalizing My Applications | Pairs will work on finalizing the mentee’s post-secondary applications. Scholarship searches and virtual college visits will be available for students that have submitted applications. |
Building and Growing Career Connections
Pairs will explore how connections and networks can lead to career opportunities. They will map their current networks and think about when and how we all need to ask for support. Mentees will learn about professional emailing. And pairs will revisit each mentee’s career map with an eye towards identifying how to build connections in their areas of interest.
Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY iMentor platform.
Resource | Description |
Parent/Guardian Guide: How to Support Your Child After They Hit Submit | This guide serves to help guardians understand how to support their child with the steps necessary for application follow through. |
Mentor Guide: How to Support Your Mentee with Scholarships | This guide serves to help mentors understand how to support their mentee through the scholarship application process. |
Pair Checklist | This checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase. |
Lesson | Objective | Resources |
3.1 Mid Year Reflection | SWBAT reflect on their progress so far in the year. | |
3.2 The Power of Connections | SWBAT understand the importance of identifying and leveraging their social network. | |
3.3 Professional Emailing & Outreach | SWBAT identify how to write a professional email. | |
3.4 Career Map Reflections | SWBAT identify how post-secondary credentials relate to career prospects. | |
3.5 Finding My Place & Supports | SWBAT reflect on how to build and grow community after high school. | |
3.6 Balancing My Social Life | SWBAT understand the importance of balancing their social life with their responsibilities. | |
3.7 Maintaining Networks After HS | SWBAT understand the benefits of maintaining their existing network after they graduate from high school. |
Event | Description | Resources |
Pair Event: Mid Year Reflection/After Hitting Submit | Pairs will reflect on the state of their relationship through a trust building activity. | |
Pair Event: Career Exploration | Pairs will explore career options by engaging in speed networking and a group mapping activity to surface assets and connections in their community. |
Choosing My Path
Pairs will work towards reviewing the mentee’s post-secondary options and analyzing the pros and cons of each option. Pairs will focus on financial aid and reading award letters to support the mentee in making a fiscally responsible decision. There are also opportunities for pairs to explore personal finances. The phase will culminate in the mentee choosing a post-secondary pathway for themself.
Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY iMentor platform.
Resource | Description |
Parent/Guardian Guide: How to Support Your Child in Making a Decision | This guide serves to help guardians understand how to discuss the pros and cons of their child's post-secondary options. |
Mentor Guide: How to Support Your Mentee in Making a Decision | This guide serves to help mentors understand how to discuss the pros and cons of their mentee's post-secondary options. |
Appealing for Financial Aid | This is a guide serves to help pairs understand how to appeal for financial aid. |
2024 FAFSA Next Steps | This document outlines the next steps for the 2024 FAFSA submission year. |
Pair Checklist | This checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase. |
Lesson | Objective | Resources |
4.1 Understanding Personal Finance | SWBAT understand the importance of managing credit and budgeting. | |
4.2 Understanding Credit | SWBAT understand the importance of managing credit and debt. | |
4.3 Navigating Employment | SWBAT reflect on how to self-advocate in the workplace. | |
4.4 My Award Packages | SWBAT learn how to read an award letter. | |
4.5 Comparing My Award Packages | SWBAT compare their own award letters to understand the costs of each package. | |
4.6 My Fit Factors | SWBAT review their post-secondary fit factors. | |
4.7 Making My Choice | SWBAT make an informed post-secondary choice for themselves. |
Event | Description | Resources |
Pair Event: Considering My Options | Pairs will compare and contrast the mentee’s post-secondary options to identify the most suitable choices for the mentee. | |
Pair Event: Making My Choice | Mentors will support their mentee in finalizing their post-secondary choice. |
Making My Transition
Mentees will identify the steps necessary to transition from high school to their post-secondary pathway. With their mentor’s support, they will think through individuals they can turn to for assistance in the completion of each step.
Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY iMentor platform.
Resource | Description |
Parent/Guardian Guide: Completing Matriculation Tasks | This guide serves to help guardians understand the matriculation steps necessary for post-secondary enrollment. |
Mentor Guide: Completing Matriculation Tasks | This guide serves to help mentors understand the matriculation steps necessary for post-secondary enrollment and how to support their mentee in completing these steps. |
Pair Checklist | This checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase. |
Lesson | Objective | Resources |
5.1 My Matriculation Steps | SWBAT identify the steps necessary to matriculate into their post-secondary pathway of choice. | |
5.2 End of Year Survey | SWBAT reflect on their experience throughout the program as they complete their EOY survey. | |
5.3 My Matriculation Work Time | SWBAT work towards the completion of their matriculation steps and track said steps on the post-secondary tool. | |
5.4 End of Program Celebration/Reflecting on the Year | SWBAT reflect on the program year and their relationship with their mentor. Students will celebrate all of the work they have accomplished. |
Event | Description | Resources |
Pair Event: My Matriculation Steps/Preparing for My Post-Secondary Pathway | Pairs will work on completing the matriculation steps necessary for the mentee to fully enroll in their post-secondary pathway of choice. | |
Pair Event: HS Program Celebration | Pairs will celebrate the end of the year and reflect on the trajectory of their relationship. |