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11B Lessons and Events (legacy Platform)

In the 11th Grade, new pairs will build a strong and trusting relationship through self-exploration and honest sharing of values, interests and cultural backgrounds. Pairs will explore potential careers of interest. They will understand the "fit factors" each mentee is looking for in a college or post-secondary program. Pairs will collaborate on a post-secondary list that helps each student build a vision of their future lives by comparing and contrasting a range of programs and institutions.

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 

Click here for the curriculum map overview.

Mentee Orientation 

This is a pre-match phase which introduces students to the iMentor program, the role of the mentor-mentee, and the way the curriculum and classes support them in this work. This phase prepares students to complete their new mentee application for matching. At the end of the phase, students will be prepared to fully participate in the program and will understand the reasoning/benefits of the program.

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 



Mentee Orientation Event

This is a pre-match event. This event serves to create excitement around the iMentor program and the monthly mentee/mentor events. Students will engage in community building activities and will be encouraged to submit their consent forms. PMs can also choose to launch the senior panel during this event instead of carrying it out in the classroom.

Program Welcome Call Guide - for Parents/GuardiansThis script serves to support PMs as they conduct program introduction calls with parents /guardians. 
Intro to iMentor Programming 
This is a deck that you can use to introduce students to our programming. It can be used with 9th/10th grade as well. 
Mentor Beginning of Year Phone Call Script
This is a script that will help you onboard mentors to the programming.



0.1 The Power and Potential of Mentoring Relationships  SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of a formal mentoring relationship and the purpose of a mentor.

0.2 It Takes Two: Elements of a Successful Mentoring

SWBAT articulate the roles and responsibilities of a mentee and a mentor.
0.3  What I Want in a MentorSWBAT identify mentor roles and what they want in a mentor (and why).

0.4 Matching Applications

SWBAT self-reflect and complete a matching application in an honest manner.
0.5 My Story of Self

SWBAT create a story of self that explains their life journey and growth.

0.6 Beginning of Year Survey

SWBAT complete their BOY survey.

0.7 Enrichment: Senior PanelSWBAT hear from seniors currently in the iMentor program.

*Note: this is an enrichment lesson and can be run at any point of the phase.*

Relationship Development

This phase will begin in late October and last until the end of November. Pairs will launch their relationships and begin getting to know one another. Pairs will explore similarities and differences, make connections, and share experiences that will deepen their relationship. Pairs will reach a basic understanding of each other's interests, backgrounds, motivation, and lives.  

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 



Parent/Guardian Guide to Mentorship

This guide serves to encourage parents/guardians to engage their child in conversation regarding the concept of mentorship.

Mentor Introduction Letter to Parents/Guardians  (Template)

This template serves to support mentors as they draft an introduction letter to share with parents/guardians.

Pair Checklist

This checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase.

Mentee Moment: The First MeetingThis video features PSP pairs reflecting on their experience of meeting each other for the first time. This video should be shared with students before the first pair event. You can switch out one of the lesson "Do-Nows" for this video. 
Pair Rater Tool - Slide 
This slide can be inserted into your presentation(s) once your cohort is matched. It reviews the importance of the Pair Rater Tool.




1.1  Mentor Reveal  

SWBAT learn about their new mentor and introduce themselves on the Platform.
1.2 Exploring the Platform

SWBAT learn how to navigate the iMentor platform.

1.3 Five Questions About Me, Five Questions About You  

SWBAT answer questions about themselves and pose questions to their mentors to build rapport and a shared understanding.

1.4 " I Am From" Poem 

SWBAT creatively express their identity to their classmates and mentor.

1.5 Healthy Relationships

SWBAT understand components of a healthy relationship and how they can use the attributes of healthy relationships to build their relationship with their mentor.

1.6 Advocating for My Needs
SWBAT identify who to turn to for academic and social support and walk through steps on how to do so.

1.7 Successes and Failures

SWBAT understand the importance of adopting a growth mindset and learning from failures.

1.8 Goal Setting 

SWBAT set one personal and one academic goal for the year and ask their mentor for specific support around achieving these goals.

1.9 Exploring Similarities and Differences

SWBAT identify similarities and differences with their mentor and how to bridge across differences.



Pair Event:
"Hi, My name is..."

Pairs will meet for the first time and engage in ice breakers. Pairs will also create commitments on how they want their relationship to proceed for the first semester.
Pair Event:
Communicating to Success

Pairs will learn and practice healthy forms of communication. 

Pairs will make agreements to utilize the healthy forms of communication for future rapport building.

Career Exploration

This phase will begin in December and last until the end of February. Students will carry out a set of self-reflection activities, with their mentor's support, to better understand their interests, skills and the links between their passions and career pathways. Pairs will work on a resume that the mentee can use to apply to summer opportunities of interest.    

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 



Parent/Guardian Guide to Career Exploration

This guide serves to encourage parents/guardians to support their child in exploring and developing their career interests.

Mentor Guide to Career Exploration

This guide serves to encourage mentors to support their mentee in exploring and developing their career interests.

Pair ChecklistThis checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase.




2.1 My Life in 10 Years 

SWBAT envision their desired lifestyle 10 years into the future.
2.2 Financing Adulthood
SWBAT understand the cost of living as an adult.

2.3 My Top Careers

SWBAT identify their interests and make connections between the top career clusters that align with their interests.

2.4 Mapping My Career Options

SWBAT connect their career interests with post-secondary pathways.

2.5 High School to Career Connection 

SWBAT  connect their career aspirations to opportunities, experiences and skills they should be developing in high school. 

2.6 My ResumeSWBAT identify the different components involved in creating a strong resume.
2.7 My Resume - Work Time SWBAT work on crafting a resume.

2.8 Making the Most of My Summer

SWBAT research opportunities and begin planning for the summer.

2.9 Making the Most of My Summer - Work Time

SWBAT research opportunities and continue planning for the summer.



Pair Event:
Career Exploration

This event is focused on exposing students to different careers and paths. The event  also allows time to reflect on their ability to discuss their own desired career trajectory.

Pair Event: 

Professional Skill Building

Pairs will connect at this event to discuss professional skill building. First, pairs will have a chance to break the ice with a mock interview. Then, they will work together to create and improve the mentee’s summer resume. Finally, pairs will discuss the types of opportunities the mentee would like to participate in over the summer.  

Post Secondary Research

This phase will occur from March to the end of April. Pairs will identify the key components of match and fit so that they can research and select post-secondary pathways that are strong options for the mentee. An emphasis will be placed on academic match to ensure that students are not under-matching and on diversity as a fit factor. Pairs will work together to create a list of 5-10 post-secondary options.  

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 



Pair Checklist

This checklist outlines the tasks that pairs will need to complete by the end of the phase. There are resources provided for each task that walk pairs through the activity. This checklist also appears on each week's Platform lesson for phase 3. 

Parent Guide to Post-Secondary PathwaysThis guide serves to encourage parents to begin their conversation surrounding post-secondary options with their child. 
Mentor Guide to Fit FactorsThis guide serves to provide an overview of fit factors to mentors as well as supporting questions mentors can ask their mentee to reflect on fit factors.
Mentor Guide to Researching Post Secondary PathwaysThis guide walks mentors through the process of researching post-secondary pathways (both college and pro-pathways). 
Big Future GuideStudents that were not present for the 3.6 lesson, or need to review the content once more, can use this guide to learn how to research college options on the Big Future website. 



3.1 Introduction to the Post-Secondary LandscapeSWBAT identify the different post-secondary pathways that they could choose to follow.

3.2 My Fit Factors - Part 1

SWBAT understand the different fit factors they should consider before pursuing a post-secondary program.

3.3 My Fit Factors - Part 2SWBAT understand the different fit factors they should consider before pursuing a post-secondary program.

3.4 Considering Diversity at as Fit Factor 

SWBAT identify the importance of considering diversity as a fit factor when researching and applying to post-secondary options.

3.5 Academic Match 

SWBAT define the terms "safety," "target," "reach," and "undermatching" in relation to post-secondary programs.

3.6 Post-Secondary Research Set Up  

SWBAT understand the process of utilizing resources for post-secondary research and begin to craft a post-secondary list.

3.7 Post-Secondary Research - Day 1 

SWBAT research safety, target, and reach colleges.

3.8 Post-Secondary Research - Day 2 

SWBAT research safety, target, and reach colleges alongside pro-pathways based on their fit factors.



Pair Event:
Campus Scavenger Hunt/Relationship Check In

Pairs will connect at this event to explore college campuses. Students may be physically limited in visiting college campuses but, thanks to the current technology available, can visit virtually through the Youvisit website. Pairs will also have the opportunity to examine the state of their relationship and reestablish relationship norms.

Pair Event:
Post-Secondary Research

Pairs will connect at this event to research post-secondary options. At this point, both mentees and mentors should understand how to engage in the research and be able to identify the different pathways available. This event will allow them to continue their exploration of these options.

Preparing for the Summer and 12th Grade

This phase will begin in May and end in June. This phase acts as a jump start for students on the post-secondary application process. Pairs will (1) finalize their preliminary post-secondary list (2) learn the importance and steps to acquire letters of recommendation and (3) learn the importance and basics of applying for financial aid. They will plan summer tasks to complete in order to stay on track with the post-secondary application process and draft a pair summer communication plan.  

Please note this content only applies to users using the LEGACY  iMentor platform. 



Parent/Guardian Guide to Summer Planning

This guide serves to support parents/guardians in engaging their child in identifying summer post-secondary access tasks they should be completing.

Parent/Guardian Guide to Financial AidThis guide serves to support parents/guardians in understanding the various forms of financial aid and the applications they will need to complete to acquire financial aid for their child. 
Mentor Guide to Summer Planning

This guide serves to support mentors in engaging their mentee in identifying summer post-secondary access tasks they should be completing.
Mentor Guide to Letters of Recommendation This guide serves to support mentors as they write a letter of recommendation for their mentee. 
Pair ChecklistThis checklist, that lives on the Platform, will provide pairs with key objectives to hit before the end of the phase.




4.1 Understanding Financial Aid

SWBAT identify and define the various forms of financial aid available to them (i.e., loans, grants, scholarships). 
4.2 The Personal StatementSWBAT learn how the college admissions essay can help admissions counselors see them as more than their grades and scores.

4.3 Letters of Recommendation 

SWBAT learn why letters of recommendation are important and how to acquire them.

4.4 End of Year Survey

SWBAT complete the EOY survey.

4.5 My Post-Secondary Prep Work Time

SWBAT  work on their post-secondary prep task of choice. 

4.6 Preparing for My SummerSWBAT create a mentor/mentee summer communication plan and identify summer tasks to accomplish.
Enrichment 1:
Preparing for the SAT
SWBAT articulate the value of the SAT in relation to their post-secondary goals.
Enrichment 2:
Understanding and Using AI
Students will be able to identify how to responsibly use AI.



Pair Event:
Completing Post-Secondary Research

Students and their mentors will evaluate the options on their post-secondary list.

Pair Event:
End of Year Celebration/

Students and their mentors will create an summer action plan for post-secondary access tasks. They will also have the opportunity to celebrate the completion of their first year together as a pair.