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PM Weekly Check-In Template – Program Wrap-Up

As the end of the school year comes into sight, Program Managers (PMs) and managers continue to focus on pair relationship development and program engagement, but they also begin preparing to end the year strong.  During program wrap-up, this means ensuring that:

  • Pairs are...
    • Developing/Continuing to build a strong personal relationship
    • Regularly engaging with one another using the iMentor curriculum via the platform
    • Meeting in-person frequently
    • Working toward the goals of the program 
    • Adequately supported to engage in their relationship
    • Making plans to stay in touch over the summer (or commit to the Post-Secondary Program, in the case of 12th grade pairs)
  • Mentees are...
    • Completing the post-program survey
    • Confirming post-secondary plans and updating their contact information (12th grade pairs)
  • Mentors are...
    • Completing the post-program survey
    • Confirming plans to continue engaging with their mentee in the post-secondary program (12th grade pairs)

The Program Wrap-Up Weekly Check-In Template is designed to foster a baseline conversation between PMs and their manager to ensure the program is delivered with high quality and pairs are set up for success to finish the year strong.

Sections of the Check-In Template

The Program Wrap-Up Weekly Check-In Template is split into sections that PMs fill out prior to submitting it to their manager as the agenda for the meeting .  Each section is outlined below, including tips for PMs to complete the document (use the links to skip through the sections).

Week in Review

Follow-Up from Last Check-In

Pair Support Updates

Program Engagement & Pair Support Data

Event Management

Survey Completion

End of year Call Completion


Other Topics to Discuss

Week in Review

This section includes two categories:

  • Highlights & Key Accomplishments
    • Share with your manager what has gone well since your last check-in.  Celebrating successes is an important exercise to stay motivated and driven, especially amidst busy/stressful times.  No win is too small to celebrate!
  • Challenges
    • Outline the challenges you faced in your work since your last check-in.  Come to the meeting prepared to add any additional context and troubleshoot solutions with your manager.

Follow-Up from Last Check-In

An inevitable result of the weekly check-in will be follow-up items, either for the PM or manager.  Use this space to list the topics that you and your manager agreed to follow-up on, including a broad update if appropriate.  

Pair Support Updates

Pair support is critical to helping pairs develop relationships that can be leveraged toward programmatic outputs and outcomes throughout the life cycle of the match.  In this section, PMs indicate whether any safety concerns arose since the previous check-in (NOTE:  Indiciating safety concerns here DOES NOT replace iMentor's protocol for safety escalation).  Additionally, PMs use this space to share their current focus list (pairs that the PM intends to intentionally target in the short term.

To complete this section, PMs enter the pairs they are intentionally focusing on in the short term, along with the reason they landed on the focus list and what action the PM plans to take.  If pairs remain on the focus lists for consecutive weeks, this space is used to provide an update.  This list of pairs will serve as a conversation guide for troubleshooting challenges and developing strategies based on the idiosyncratic needs of each pair.

During program wrap-up, some pairs may need to be un-matched (i.e., mentee transferring, mentor moving cities, etc.).  All pairs for which a match transition is anticipated should be on the focus list to ensure the healthiest closure process is executed.

Program Engagement & Pair Support Data

Pair engagement and support data are the key metrics by which we measure whether we are successfully implementing the iMentor model from a dosage perspective (i.e., the frequency of pair communication or PM support).  Organizationally, we believe that pairs engage frequently enough and receive the support to develop a strong personal relationship, mentees will achieve the goals of the program.  As such, these data points are a mainstay of the weekly check-in.  The data entered here will serve as a conversation guide for troubleshooting challenges and developing strategies to push toward increasing and improving pair engagement and the provision of pair support. 

There are three sources necessary to obtain the data, all of which can be accessed via reporting tools on the iMentor platform.  The table below provides brief instructions for gathering this information quickly and easily.  (Click the source to skip to specific instructions.)

S.T.E.V.E. (PM Summary)

% Pairs Meeting Online Benchmark 

Mentee Touch Points

Mentor Touch Points

Pair Summary Notes this Quarter

S.T.E.V.E. (PM and Cohort)In-Person Meeting Distribution
SnapshotMost Recent Lesson Completion %
Event LogPair Expeditions

S.T.E.V.E. (PM Summary)

Using the hamburger menu, expand the "Reports" option and select "S.T.E.V.E."  The PM Summary tab is the landing page for S.T.E.V.E., and by selecting a PM name from the filter on the right-hand side of the interface, the dashboard will update to display:

  • % Pairs Meeting Online Benchmark
    • The value is below "% Pairs Meeting Lesson Benchmark" on the top right-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Mentee and Mentor Touch Points
    • The distribution can be found in the pie charts on the bottom left-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Support Hours this Month 
    • The value can be found below "Support Hours for Current Month" on the bottom right-hand side of the dashboard.

S.T.E.V.E. (PM and Cohort)

Using the hamburger menu, expand the "Reports" option and select "S.T.E.V.E."  After landing on the PM Summary tab, navigate to the PM and Cohort tab using the navigator at the top of the browser.  On the resulting dashboard, selecting a PM name from the filter on the right-hand side of the interface (second from the top), the dashboard will update to display:

  • In-Person Meeting distribution
    • The distribution can be found in the bar chart on the bottom of the dashboard.


Using the hamburger menu, expand the "Reports" option and select "Snapshot."  On the resulting page, select the desired class.  The percentage of pairs that have completed the current lesson can be found in the dashboard on the top left-hand side of the screen above "Pair Participation."

Event Log

Using the hamburger menu, expand the "Reports" option and select "Event Log."  On the resulting page, apply the following filters and click "Update":

  • Date Range: Select the desired date range (Note: PMs and managers should discuss whether they want to review pair expeditions over the last month, two weeks, week, etc.)
  • Event Type: Select "Additional Meeting"
  • Partner Site: Select all classes for a PM

This will display the number of pair expeditions completed within the selected date range above "Number of Pair Meetings."

Event Management

The Event Management section is really just meant to support a continued discussion regarding pair engagement, but to shift the focus to formal curricular events specifically.  The data entered here will serve as a conversation guide for troubleshooting challenges and developing strategies to increase attendance at curricular events.

To view curricular event RSVP and attendance rates, use the hamburger menu to select "Calendar" and locate the event on the resulting page.  Hover over the name of the event and select "Details."  The dashboard on the top of the resulting page will supply RSVP information.  

NOTE: A little division is required to enter percentages on the check-in template (i.e., Pairs Attended / Pairs Invited = Percent of Pairs Attended).

Survey Completion

Mentee and Mentor surveys are a huge component to measuring the efficacy of the iMentor program as well as a source of data to direct PM support efforts.  The end of year survey includes several questions for both mentees and mentors regarding their satisfaction with PM support as well as other areas of satisfaction.  As such, the weekly check-in document includes this section which focuses on survey completion rates.  The data entered here will serve as a conversation guide for troubleshooting challenges and developing strategies to hit the targets of 90% and 80% for mentees and mentors, respectively.

All data necessary to complete this table can be accessed via the Survey Management feature of the iMentor platform.  Using the hamburger menu, expand "Administration" and select "Surveys."  Then select the cohorts you manage and collect the data from the dashboard on the top of the interface.

End of Year Call Completion

The end of year call is another critical touch point to support mentors and set them up for success in their relationship with their mentee.  The end of year call is particularly important as it covers reflection on the experience to date and summer plans to continue developing the relationship.   This section is included in the weekly check-in document to support PMs' communication of their current progress toward completing these important calls.  The data entered here will serve as a conversation guide for troubleshooting challenges and developing strategies to complete beginning of year calls with all mentors.

All data necessary to complete this table can be accessed via the End of Year Call Tracker - an Excel tool distributed to PMs annually during the program launch season.


This section is designed for PMs to share their experience administering the iMentor curriculum in the classroom and at events.  There are prompting questions built into the template as a starting point, but managers and PMs may edit/build upon these to best suit their needs.

Other Topics to Discuss

This last section is meant as a cath-all for anything that was not addressed via other sections.  Examples of how to use this space include, but are not limited to:

  • Feedback for manager 
  • School partnership updates
  • Professional development discussions
  • Work/Life balance
  • General questions/comments/concerns