Grade 12 - College vs. High School
This lesson will give context to five types of obstacles presented to new college students: social and recreational; basic lifestyle; digital; personal issues; and academic immortality.
1. Growth Mindset
2. Social Capital
Entry Point |
- Staff will display quote and image.
- For each quote and image, staff will facilitate a discussion on what mentees think the quote means.
- After displaying and discussing all three quotes, staff will facilitate discussion on how the three quotes are related:
- How are the three quotes related?
- What do all three of the quotes say about knowledge?
- How do these three quotes relate to college?
Keystone 1 |
In order to avoid obstacles in college, mentees need to be aware of them and how they can potentially impact their college experience. This activity has mentees read an article, explore five common obstacles, and then identify three examples of each type of obstacle.
Chunk One: 5 Common Pitfalls and Traps
- Staff will divide mentees into groups.
- In groups, mentees will:
- Read the article
- Define each trap in their own words
- Give two examples of each trap
- Staff will facilitate share-out.
Chunk Two: Challenge Accepted
- Staff will assign each group one pitfall or trap.
- In groups, mentees will do the following:
- Create a solution for their assigned trap
- Create a slogan or motto (sticky 1-liner) for their solution
- Create a visual (optional)
- Create a hand gesture (optional)
- Staff will facilitate share-out.
- Through share-out and discussion, staff should ensure that mentees have at least one idea of how to address a specific challenge.
Chunk Three: Making it Personal
- In a pair share, mentees will:
- Select which of the five traps they are most worried about
- Select which of the five traps they are least worried about
- Staff will facilitate share-out.
Keystone 2 |
Mentees will share what they learned about the common pitfalls and traps, and the solutions they created for the obstacle they were assigned.
Chunk One: Reconnect with Mentor
- Mentees will:
- Read and respond to their mentor's letter from last week
- Comment on their mentor's biggest obstacle when they were in college
- Share their solution
- Share which of the five traps they are most concerned about
Exit Ramp |
- Transition
- Mentees will share one solution to a trap they remember from class.
- Planning and Reminder Ritual
- Tech Collection Ritual
- Closing