This checklist captures everything you need to do to plan and hold a successful iMentor event.
Read about what you can do before, during and after your event to make it run as smoothly as possible. These ideas were presented in the Creating Awesome Events webinar, Fall 2019.
Explore a collection of icebreakers to use during events and mentor huddles.
Staff should ensure that conversation starters are accessible, i.e. card decks on tables. When pairs are at their tables, they draw cards and discuss the content on the cards. The cards are intended to be used if pairs do not already have a conversation to engage in.
When your manager comes to observe your event, they will use this rubric to give you feedback on all elements of the evening.
Keeping Students at School the Night of an Event
Across our programs, we have found that we get higher student attendance at events when students remain at school for the event rather than go home and return later that evening. Therefore, having a strategy to keep students engaged at school during the interim period can increase attendance and our outcomes.