We are here to support your program.

Green, Yellow and Red flags

This article details applicant flags. When a certain behavior during an event, answer on an application, or response during the screening interview seems out of the ordinary, that instance is flagged in Salesforce with a color that denotes the level of severity. The staff member that witnessed the behavior or read the flagging evidence will create a low-inference note and log it in the Salesforce. Flags are used to ensure that only safe, consistent, collaborative, and mission-aligned applicants are invited into the program (and to elevate the stories of amazing applicants-green flags!). 

A flag puts the mentor applicant on the Applicant Watch List. During the weekly screening meeting, the team discusses the applicant and either creates a follow-up plan or makes a decision regarding acceptance or rejection. Decisions should be made through team deliberation but the Associate Director of Mentor Screening has the authority to make the ultimate decision in a case where consensus is not reached.

Flag Categories:

Green— Some applicants should be shared with the Mentor Engagement team through green flags. These are applicants who could be great assets to our iMentor network. When reviewing applications and during interviews, please consider if they might stand out in this way. The main categories for green flags are:

Social Media Influencer

Recruitment Referrals

Post-secondary Exposure

Program Collaborator/ Ambassador

Comms Storyteller


Double Match Candidate (must meet requirements below)

  • A NYC man
  • Motivated 
  • Strong listener
  • Demonstrate patience
  • Able to make the time commitment to write to two mentees 
  • Able to consistently attend one monthly event where both mentees will be present

When creating a green flag, please choose the appropriate category and include a full description for the Mentor Engagement team, who can begin any direct outreach once the applicant is RTBM. Green flags will appear in this report. If you're unsure if you should flag, feel free to Chatter the local recruitment lead on Salesforce.

(MA=Mentor Ambassador, AB=Associate Board, YEB=Young Execute Board)

Yellow—  A mentor's application, interview or other interaction gives screening pause and the situation is of moderate concern. A yellow flag may require follow up but does not necessarily mean the applicant will be rejected. Rule of thumb: should there be any doubt with an applicant, always flag. Examples of consistency/logistical yellow flags include rescheduling fingerprinting or their interview three times, or frequently committing to next screening steps but not following through. These can be discussed directly with managers during 1:1 meetings, and do not necessarily need to be discussed at the weekly screening meeting. Other yellow flags may be based on a disconcerting answer to questions during the interview, behavior at an event, or reference response. These flags should always be brought to the weekly meeting for discussion. We want to check for screener bias and gather a range of perspectives before reaching a decision. We may also find cause to send a coaching email to an applicant (regarding the importance of consistency or our expectations for working with undocumented students. for example). Any time a coaching email is sent, a yellow flag should be created. A coaching email also serves as a pseudo-pre deadline. If no response, the applicant can be deadlined a week later.

Red— When a mentor applicant displays a significant lack of program understanding or iMentor’s DEI stance, is disrespectful to an iMentor employee, shows an inability to understand boundaries, exhibits potentially predatory behavior, exposes a strong bias toward a particular group of people, or gives a high level of pushback to completing screening or program requirements (to name some reasons), a red flag can be created. A red flag likely results in an application rejection though not always. Red flags should always be discussed during a team meeting.

Please find more detailed information about red flags here: Red flags to consider when screening.

How to create a flag:

  1. Open up a New Mentor Application Flag at the top of the mentor's application.
  2. Select the Flag Status, Step in Screening, and Flag Type (green, yellow, red). Flag Date is automatically populated.

  1. For red or yellow flags, under “Volunteer Concern” select the main area of concern – Safety, Consistency, Collaborative or Mission-Aligned (more than one can be selected if needed). For Green flags, under “Flag Detail” select relevant category. It's ok to select more than one.
  2. Add the flag description. Under Flag Concern, summarize the main concerns you have regarding the applicant using low-inference language. Under Flag Evidence, include evidence that supports your concern such as quotes from a reference or interview. If follow-up is needed, add relevant updates on top of previous evidence. 

     5. After discussing with your team and/or manager, detail next steps in the Flag Follow-up Action section.  

     6. Once a decision is made regarding the applicant, update the Flag Decision field. This should be low-inference and describe the reason for the outcome. Move the Flag Status to 'Resolved.' For withdrawn apps, resolve the flag and state they are not continuing in the program. The flag should be re-opened if the applicant reengages. For On Hold apps, keep the flag open.