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Mentor Communication Planning

One of PMs' primary communication vehicles with mentors will be email and as such, it is important that they strategically approach the use of the mode.  The resources below are designed to help PMs consider the full landscape of mentor communication efforts and design a plan to communicate effectively throughout the year.

Independent Pre-Work

The Principles of Adult Learning

  • Read this 1-page resource that highlights important principles of adult learning.  As you read through, consider how these principles connect to mentor email communication.

Mentor Email Communication Best Practices

  • Read this 2-page resource that builds upon the principles of adult learning with regards to email communication and provides several best-practices from PMs in the field.

Test Messaging Use Cases & Best-Practices

  • Read this 2-page resource that outlines the approved use cases for mentor text messaging through the iMentor Platform and best-practices for effectively using the tool.

Automated Platform Messaging

  • Read the first two sections (Lessons and Events/Surveys) of this Learning Center article that explains how the iMentor Platform automatically communicates with mentors.

Mentor Messaging Activity

  • This document is designed to be used as a part of PM training.  It includes several examples of weekly mentor emails and text messages to help PMs think about the most effective ways to communicate with their mentors during the year. 

Designing a Mentor Communication Plan

  • This resource is designed to help PMs craft a strategic plan for communicating with mentors that effectivey uses all the modes available.

Follow-Up Resources

Mentor Communication Planning Template

  • This simple calendar template can be used by PMs to map out their plan for communicating with mentors throughout the year by scheduling emails they plan to send, Tasks & Announcements they plan to schedule, regional communications and automated iMentor Platform messaging (based on their class schedule).

Mentor Weekly Email Communication Template

  • This template is provided for PMs to use when crafting their weekly mentor emails.  PMs are encouraged to customize this template to suit the needs and context of their cohort and can even develop a strategy for using mail-merge functionality to streamline their efforts while honoring the principles of adult learning as well as email communication best practices. 

Tasks & Announcements on the iMentor Platform 

  • This article provides step-by-step instructions for creating notifactions that will appear on the Newsfeed section of the iMentor Platform for mentees and mentors.

Texting on the iMentor Platform

  • This article provides step-by-step instructons for using the iMentor Platform to send text messages. 

iMentor Brand Guidelines

  • This resource provides guidance for crafting mentor email communication in alignment with iMentor's branding. 


Facilitation materials for the synchronous portion of this training content can be accessed HERE.