Data from online unit quizzes can be used for more than just understanding student learning. There are opportunities for class-wide remediation, pair support, incentives, and strengthening school partnerships. Below are a few examples of how program staff can leverage data from online unit quizzes and in-person rubrics over the course of the program year.
Program Manager-Driven Remediation
- Use aggregate results to inform group follow up. When reviewing aggregate results, its possible that the class may not have understood a concept. If there are questions where students performed poorly, it may be worthwhile to revisit that concept in another class, do now, or event.
- Use aggregate results to inform individual follow up. When the majority of the class performs well on a question or demonstrates knowledge/action on a specific rubric skill, but a handful do not it may be worth following up with the few students who did not perform as well on that question.
- Integrate assessment questions into other activities. Assessment content is related to key takeaways in the curriculum. Thus, it could tie into other activities students and mentors engage in. This strategy could be useful for ensuring students get additional exposure to the content. Areas where content could potentially fit in include do nows and events.
- Use student level data in conversations with mentors. When checking in with mentors throughout the year, you can use assessment data - particularly in-person rubric data - to guide the conversation or discuss areas of student success or areas where further support is needed.
Incentives and Celebration
- Reward high performing students and classes. During the 2017-18 program year, several PMs used assessment results to reward individual students or create competitions between classes. This strategy may be helpful for helping increase engagement with assessment content.
- Integrate assessments into grading. If iMentor class is factored into students’ grades, you may be able to include assessment performance or completion into your grading structure. What this ends up looking like will depend on your specific context. However, it was a strategy employed in the pilot of assessments in 2017-18.
- Inform mentors of class performance. Informing mentors of how your classes/cohorts performed could be a tool for getting mentors to take on a role as a cheerleader, provide support, or instill some confidence in them that students are learning content in the iMentor class, even if they don’t write about it on platform. When student performance is an issue, this tactic can be used to leverage mentors for content remediation.
School Partnership
- Share data with co-teachers/counselors. School partner staff are important partners in the iMentor classroom. These staff people are also invested in student performance. Depending on your relationship with them, they may be invested in seeing the results of the online unit quizzes.
- Compare assessment scores with other metrics, such as grades. While not always possible, there may be instances where assessment content lines up with another metric collected by the school. School partner staff, as well as iMentor staff may be find these comparisons useful. If you have ideas around this area, please share them we the Research & Evalaution team ([email protected]). These types of comparisons may be helpful for validating these tools.
- Use quiz data in school partner check-ins. Data can be an important part of supporting/strengthening a school partner relationship. Check-ins with school leadership may already include data points around enrollment, demographics, and pair engagement. Results from assessments could supplement these meetings to show that students are learning the content of the iMentor curriculum.
Professional Development & Program Improvement
- Reflect on factors contributing to student performance. Student performance on assessments is a complex subject. While reviewing results from online unit quizzes, it may be helpful to reflect on factors that contributed to student performance. These factors may include your teaching, previous student knowledge, or other college access/success programs in the school. Talk with your manager to determine the best way to understand the impact of these assessments.
- Suggest changes to PMT/R&E. Student performance may highlight strengths or weaknesses of the curriculum and the assessments. Assessment and curriculum content is reviewed annually to in order to make improvements for the following year. If you have thoughts or suggestions about how the content our students experience can be improved, feel free to reach out to [email protected].