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New Articles

  1. College Exploration and Applications

    Types of Colleges and Universities Refresher on different college types.  College Essays Resources to support pairs with completing the personal statement. ...
  2. Facilitating iMentor Pair Events

    Monthly iMentor events are an important part of our program model.  We want events to be fun and engaging and for pairs to use their time time together to connect on a personal level while also working together to build the skills and knowledge...
  3. Self-Directed Mentor Training Modules on Thinkific

  4. Collaborating with Schools for Post-Secondary Success

    Supporting a College-Going Culture Schools do not have the resources and capacity to do it all – and to do it all well for all students. In most communities, there are a host of enrichment, counseling, and training programs to learn with and ...
  5. Advising 101

    Advising Philosophy and Approach Our advising approach is built on increasing access to opportunities for our students. We want all our students to have the tools, skills, and resources necessary to graduate from high school and be successful in ...
  6. 12th Grade Phase 5

    Making My Transition  Mentees will identify the steps necessary to transition from high school to their post-secondary pathway. With their mentor’s support, they will think through individuals they can turn to for assistance in the compl...
  7. 12th Grade Phase 4

    Choosing My Path  Pairs will work towards reviewing the mentee’s post-secondary options and analyzing the pros and cons of each option. Pairs will focus on financial aid and reading award letters to support the mentee in making a fiscall...
  8. 12th Grade Phase 3

    Building and Growing Career Connections Pairs will explore how connections and networks can lead to career opportunities. They will map their current networks and think about when and how we all need to ask for support. Mentees will learn about pro...
  9. 12th Grade Phase 2

    Crafting My Applications Pairs will work on post-secondary applications. Every mentee will apply to at least one college and, if they are interested in non-college options, to at least one other post-secondary pathway. Students must be able to iden...
  10. 12th Grade Phase 1

    Preparing for Senior Year Pairs will be re-acquainted with the program. They'll work collaboratively to re-engage and build excitement for the 12th grade. Pairs will revisit the mentee’s career interests and understand how these career in...